Boy Meets Date

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I smiled as I got closer to her, her soft voice filling the hallway, "are you talking to yourself?" I asked her, trying to keep my laughter down

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I smiled as I got closer to her, her soft voice filling the hallway, "are you talking to yourself?" I asked her, trying to keep my laughter down.

She screeched, grabbing at her heart, "Jesus!" she yelled at me, her eyes full of fright, "can you not be so silent?

I just smiled at down at her, my heartbeat escalating before calming down because of what I had to ask her, "sorry about that, I heard about the meeting yesterday, how are you feeling?"

She shrugged before her bag slipped down her arm and onto the floor with us following. "It was okay," the sound of her voice told me that it wasn't, "I think the bullying is finally over so that's fun! They decide to split all of us up, I have the same schedule that I'd already had but I don't know about the other two."

"That is great," I told her, but it would have been even better, "how is the whole Shawn being your dad thing going?"

She smiled again, her eyes brighter than the stars, "it's pretty cool, you know to know where I come from. He was at the meeting thing and has been at my house almost every day since Christmas, but he's going home today."

"Does that make you sad?" I asked, instantly moving closer to her.

"Kinda, but I can't text him whenever I want to, so I'll be okay."


"So, I'm going to do it today."

Farkle groaned before tilting his head, "are you really going to do it today or are you just going to say that you will and then chicken out at the last minute like usual."

I scoffed, "I, I don't know what you are talking about, but I have you know that I am a man of action and the action today is a date."

He looked over my shoulder before looking back at me, "well, you better hurry up because someone might be beating you to the punch." I looked behind me confused to see Josh, Riley's uncle was talking to Cori, "look, I got to get in the cafeteria before Glady's gives out all of the good mystery meat." He told me before petting my arm and running off.

I stared at Josh and Cori for a second and witnessed him handing her a piece of paper, I could tell he was trying to smooth talk her and that this was probably my last shot with her, and I'd better take it now. I took a deep breath, puffing out my chest and walked over to them and *smoothly* placed my arm over Cori's shoulder. "What are you doing here?" I asked josh coolly before looking down at Cori and smiling at her with my heart.

He smirked back at me like he knew how I felt about her, "just came to deliver a message before seeing my brother."

"Well, this is weird," Cori said finally speaking up, and pulling away from me, "so I'm going to go eat." She closed her locker and walked away from me.

I watched her as she left before josh spoke, "scared of a little competition Friar?"

I shook my head, "no, 'because I always win." I said before running after Cori, worried that she wasn't happy with me.

"Hey, Cori," I called out, making her stop, "are you mad at me?"

She laughed, scaring me even more, "no, I'm just hungry and I thought that you two guys were about to fight. I think I've had my share of drama for a while."

I immediately grabbed her hand to stop her from walking again, "I wouldn't ever fight in front of you or over you," I told her, looking into her eyes like I was trying to deliver a telepathic message to her. "Because I already have you." She smiled at me and I couldn't help but just stare at her effortless beauty.

"We should go eat before the bell rings," she said timidly.

I licked my lips, the smile couldn't stop from creeping onto my face, "that's all you have to say?"

"Is there anything else that needs to be said?" she asked her hand in mine before we silently walked into the cafeteria.

"What was the note that Josh gave you?" I asked her curiously before I could forget.

She shrugged, sitting down with Farkle, "apparently Riley wrote me an apology letter." She said as Farkle sat down, his tray full of mystery meat, 'and, he wanted to give it to me so that she wouldn't get in trouble he also told that Riley is my god sister and that just wrong."

"What are we talking about again?" Farkle asked looking between the two of us.

"Riley wrote me an apology letter," she said casually as if it was something small.

He gasped, "are we going to read it?"

"What he said," I said piggybacking off Farkle's question.

"I don't know," she said quietly, almost as if she was going into the shell that she was in when we had met each other.

"Come on," I said grabbing her hand again, "whatever is in that letter can't be that bad, plus we will be here with you for all of the aftermath, Cor." She bit her lip, looking between us and I could tell that she was debating on whether she was ready or not she wanted to go through with it in her head. "You got this."

She nodded, "I got this," she repeated, pulling the letter out of her pocket, "here goes nothing."


My foot was tapping from the nervous that I felt as I waited for Cori to appear, the words were waiting to burst out of my mouth, and I knew I couldn't hold them in anymore. I thought about doing something extravagant or special, but Cori is a simple girl, one who doesn't like too much attention so, I didn't want to do anything too crazy—I had the perfect plan.

I could hear the final bell ringing through the school, and I know that Farkle is a lover of schedules, so I had approximately 2 minutes and 15 seconds before they would get here but the felt as if it was moving in slow motion. My eyes were solely focused on the door, but my mind was reeling, repeating the speech that I'd come up with months ago, it was perfect.

I straightened my back and took a deep breath once I heard the keys twist in the door. The door opened slowly but I could see Cori's hair peeking through the cracks, "Lucas?" she said, looking at me confused.

"Wanna go on a date?"


It's finally freaking happen lads and gals!!!





Hunter, Cori Hunter |gmw book 1 |Lucas Friar|Where stories live. Discover now