Boy Meets Bully

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Chapter 13: Boy Meets Bully||

Song of Chapter: Bravado by Lorde

"Okay, Jackie Robinson," Mr. Matthews said as he scanned the classroom, looking for interested students, "what'd he do?"

"Hit a ball," Billy said from the back of the class with a slight snicker, as some of his friends gave him a high-five like he was doing a good job.

"First of all, no!" Mr. Matthews said, "anyone else know?"

"He was the first African-American to play in the major leagues." I told Matthews, sitting up in my seat. "He withstood the pressures of racism so that people like me and Billy wouldn't have too. He overcame too much to be disrespected by someone who can barely catch a beach ball with four eyes open."

"Oh, honey, I can do more than catch a ball." He said winking at me, his sad attempt at flirting was very displeasing.

"You finally learned to read?" I asked him I mock surprise, "took you 13 years but you never gave up congratulations."

"That's enough, you two." Mr. Matthews said interrupting us, "Great knowledge on Jackie by the way, Cori, I might not quit after all."

"You could never quit, Sir," Farkle said over the speaker on my desk, he had yet to make an appearance in the classroom since earlier today.

"And you need to be in my class, Farkle. How long are you gonna be out sick?" Matthews asked him, but I think we all knew the answer to that question.

"Don't know," he said fake coughing, "it's a pretty bad cold." I shook my head at his lies, we all knew the truth but had no way to combat it.

"Miss. Hunter, can you please go check on Farkle, please." Mr. Matthews asked, it had become apparent that I was the only one who would be willing to listen to him.

"It would be my honor," I said getting out of my seat and saluting the class before leaving.



The class was over before Cori got back with any news of Farkle. It's been a few days since the big blow up between Cori and the rest of us and that along with today has everyone was talking about what was up with Farkle and Cori, "why'd you wink at her?" I asked Billy who was leaning on his locker.

"At Cori?" He asked me, smirking.

"Yeah," I told him standing up straight, "at Cori. You know how I feel about her."

"But, does she because everyone sees what's going between you and Riley, Cori included; she's fair game." He said shutting his locker and walking away.

"There's nothing going on with us!" I yelled after him, I was getting tired of people saying things that were untrue.

"Sure, there isn't!" He yelled back.

"Lucas," Riley said, surprising me from behind. "Will you come help us with Farkle?"

"Sure." I said distracted by the thought of getting to see Cori again, I had to make sure that she knew that I only wanted her.

"I think they are at Harley's again," she told me coolly as we walked down the big hallway.



"Should I knock or just go in?" She asked Maya and I, they always been here every time we'd looked for the pair.

Hunter, Cori Hunter |gmw book 1 |Lucas Friar|Where stories live. Discover now