Girl Meets Birthday Special 2

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Chapter 8: Girl Meets Birthday Special 2 ||

Song of Chapter: Not Your Birthday by Allstar Weekend

"Watch your step," I said as everyone climbed up the ladder to my room, "sorry about the mess," I told them, picking up the paint covered plastic off the floor, "I kind of got carried away."

"It's fine," Farkle said as he and everyone else looked around my room.

"What were you painting?" Maya asked, looking at me then her friends.

"Uh, a mural," I said turning around and sitting at my desk, "you guys can sit anywhere honestly, there are a few beanbags under my bed that you can pull out."

"Thanks," Farkle said as Luas pulled out the beanbags and Maya and Riley were talking on my bed. Everyone seemed to be doing their own things, Lucas was on his phone, Maya, and Riley joking, and Farkle looking around my room when my mom came through the floor.

"Cori, wash your gums," she said before disappearing and leaving me with an embarrassment.

"What does that even mean?" Riley asked laughing along with everyone else.

"Cori, is your face swollen?" Farkle said examining my face a bit closer than usual.

My eyes widened, "is it obvious?" I asked looking into a mirror, and sure enough, my face was very swollen.

"Why?" Farkle asked, looking at through the mirror as everyone started to pay attention to us.

"I just got my wisdom teeth out like three days ago," I said to them, massaging my gums through my cheeks. "I have to go wash out my gums."

"Cool, can I see?" Farkle asked getting closer to me, pulling out a flashlight from his pockets.

"What? The holes in my gums?" I asked almost laughing at him and his weird actions.

"Well, yeah." He said to me happily.

"Okay," I said told him before getting some stuff the doctor gave me, "I just have to clean my gums first."

"Dirty gums are even better," he said stopping me, shrugged before pulling my lips open, "That's so gross and kinda cool." He told me, looking into my mouth, "when did you get braces?"

"A few weeks ago," I said laughing, "a lot's changed."

Before he could say anything else, Lucas cleared his throat, "uhm, Cori can you show me to the bathroom?"

"Uh, sure." I said getting up, "follow me, I gotta clean my gums anyway."

"So, what's up?" Lucas asked me once we had got down the ladder, I just shrugged, "are you going to talk to me?"

"Why?" I asked turning towards him, "so, you can ignore me again? Dude, next time your gonna act like I don't exist please, god, please let me know because I like to be prepared for disappointment. The bathroom's around the corner."

After that I left him, I went to find my mother, "Do you wanna talk about?" She asked as soon as she had seen me. I shook my head, she came up and hug me, "I'm sorry." She said kissing my head.


"Go get the door sweetie, it's either Jill, your aunt, and Will, or Hong Kong, I'll go get your friends."

"Okay." I said walking to the door, "who is it?

"Open it and find out!" A familiar voice said from behind the door

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