Girl meets the END!

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It was safe to say that the date didn't go as planned at all, maybe that was the reason Cori had cried on the phone with Shawn when she called him to come to get her

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It was safe to say that the date didn't go as planned at all, maybe that was the reason Cori had cried on the phone with Shawn when she called him to come to get her. Perhaps, it was the way Lucas had treated her all night, once they'd not only ran into Farkle and Smackle but Riley and her uncle as well. Could have been that he didn't like how nice Josh was too her that made him kiss Riley, or maybe he was just a guy who didn't know what he wanted, either way, the date didn't go as plan and Cori was the one that got hurt in the end; it seemed like that always happened with her and Lucas in the long run.

Each of her parents wanted to know what happened, but she just wasn't ready to say it out loud just yet, it hurt too much. They all respected her decision and gave her space and love that she had needed for each of them, but they were tired of seeing their daughter moping in sadness, this isn't how her summer was supposed to, so they put a plan in action.

"Here," Jeanine said to Cori, tossing the dress she'd worn on her first date at her, "put this on, we're going out."

"But, mom," Cori said pouting.

Jeanine wanted to give in, but she knew this was the best thing for her daughter right now, "no 'but's' Cori," she said shaking her head, "be ready in 30 minutes, or else?"

"Or else?" Cori asked sitting up on the couch.

"Look, I haven't gotten that far, but be a dear and get dressed for mommy, please?" Jeanine said to her daughter but this time she was the one pouting and Cori definitely couldn't say 'no' to her.

She signed, throwing herself back in the chair, giving in, "fine!" the last thing the 14-year-old wanted to do was go outside in her time of anguish, especially when that meant wearing the dress had her heart broken in, but here she was.  

"Why are we here, mom?" she asked once they had gotten to a fancy restaurant, she wasn't sure that they could afford. But her mom ignored her as she talked to the waitress.

"Reservation for four under Sellers," her mom said.

"Jill's here, and 4 people?" Cori asked but was still ignored when they walked through the restaurant, "mom what is happening?" Cori asked, confused when she saw both Shawn and Jill in suits.

"We are taking you on a proper date, kid."


Lucas felt guilty but to say that he didn't regret his actions when it came to kissing Riley, or at least he didn't regret it as much as he had previously thought that he would; the part that sucked the most was that Cori saw him kissing her. The days leading up to the date h had felt so conflicted by what he was feeling, he knew he like Cori, every with eyes could see that but he also had a secret that he'd been keeping, something in him liked Riley.

"You never told us about the date," him mom, Carolina asked him as she rocked baby Em on her hip, "how'd it go?" He shrugged, acting like he was distracted because he didn't want to tell his momma the truth about what happened or what he did. "Excuse me, mister," she said stepping in front of the tv, acquiring the attention of her child.

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