Chapter 12

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Emilee's POV (One of Percy's friends)


"All students and faculty please report to the auditorium, we have some very important news, that's all." Principal Lionheart said over the intercom.
My class all got up and started walking to the auditorium. I turned around to see where my friend Percy was. He was in the back of the group and had a look that said he knew what was going to happen. Now let me tell you about my friend Percy. He isn't the best at school, but when it comes to marine biology, he can beat everyone, including our teacher. The weirdest thing is, is I've seen him in gym class and he never runs out of breath, but the only thing he ever wears to school are jeans and a sweatshirt like he's ashamed of his body.
Anyway, when we got to the auditorium there were eleven adults and nine teenagers on the stage. (A/N Apollo looks like a teenager) Once everyone has seated an adult with black graying hair, a beard the same color, and striking blue eyes stepped forward. "My name is Zeus, yes like the Greek god, because I am the Greek god, most of the people behind me are also gods, or goddesses, the ones that aren't are demigods. Normally we wouldn't tell you our true identity's but the goddess Hecate was injured during our last war, and the mist, which keeps our worlds separate, fell and has a low chance of ever coming back up, so we decided to tell you."
One of the teenagers stepped forward, " my name is Apollo, again the god, but I'm here to talk about one of your fellow classmates. He is the greatest hero of the past several centuries, maybe of all time."
At that moment I looked over at Percy who had the hood if his sweatshirt up and was slouched in his chair. He looked as if he was hiding from the people on the stage.
"Before we bring him up here we are going to show you a few pictures and videos of him. Oh and by the way I'm Aphrodite, but you a ready knew that didn't you?"
Everyone on the stage moved to the sides as a screen came down. The video started with light snoring. Then the screen got brighter, and we could see a body, it was a boy, and he was lying on his stomach. One of the teenaged girls that was on the stage, walked through a door beside the bed and started to shake the boy's bare back. The boy hugged the pillow that was under him tighter.
   "Seaweed Brain, come on wake up, you have to teach the sword fighting class, and it starts in five minutes." 'Seaweed Brain' groaned, pushed himself up on his extremely built (not in a gross way) yet scarred arms, and cracked his neck. "Fine, I'm up. Said Percy's voice? I'm pretty sure everyone looked at him as he slouched further into his chair.
   Percy stood up and cracked his back, grabbed an orange shirt that said Camp Half-Blood on it, over his muscled torso. The screen went dark for a second and when we could see again he was wearing a pair of teal swim trunks. "Love ya Wise Girl." He kissed the girl on the temple, "hey since class starts in-" "two minutes, can you get me something to eat please." "Of course, but only since I love you, now go you don't want to be late." 'Wise Girl' pushed him out the door.
   Percy walked out an arena sort of thing where a several of kids were gathered. "So what do I have here today?" He asked. "Hermes" "Ares" "Hephaestus" the kids shouted simultaneously. "Cool, cool, so everyone get with a partner if you can someone from a different cabin. And do you guys remember the moves I showed you last week." The kids nodded and split off into groups of two.
   The kids were working for a while, and Percy was working with an Ares kid and a Hermes kid. Suddenly the Ares kid launched himself at the Hermes kid, but before he could do any damage Percy threw the kid over his shoulder, and as Annabeth handed him his food, he asked her to watch the other kids.
   Percy sat the kid down on a bench at the end of a dock and stood in front of him. The kid flinched and Percy's gaze softened as he crouched down in front of him. "James, I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly. "I know, b-but th-that's the l-look m-my st-step-dad w-would g-get in h-his e-eye whe-whenever h-he w-would hi-hit m-me." James sniffled. "James, can I show you something?" Percy asked. James looked at him quizzically but still nodded. Percy pulled his shirt over his head and stood up. He pointed at a scar right above his right pectoral muscle, one on his forearm right above a tattoo I never noticed, and one on his stomach that went from his belly-button to the top of his eight-pack. "Those are from my step-dad, well ex-step-dad, my new step-dad is pretty cool," Percy said sitting cross-legged in from of James. "You-you," James stuttered. "Were abused as a kid? Yeah, and I can tell you that as long as you are here he will never hurt you again, because I won't let him, and your sibling won't let him, it may seem like they don't like you, but your an Ares kid, they try not to show emotion, so can you please try not to attack kids outside of capture the flag?" James chuckled and nodded. "Good now let's go see if Annabeth scared the kids or not." He said pulling his shirt back on.
   When the video ended pretty much every kid screamed ' how could that be Percy, he's not cool enough to be a demigod.' But with varying insults. Most of the gods and all of the demigods glared. Percy just walked up to the stage, and to the microphone. "Yeah, I'm a demigod, and really it isn't as cool as you may think. You have no clue how many people I've seen die, how many friends I've seen die. Annabeth, the girl from the video, and I even wheat to hell, literally. And trust me, it's a billion times worse than it sounds. So they probably want me to talk or something, but I don't want to so Aphrodite, I'm sure you have a whole slideshow planned, so go ahead." He went and sat next to Annabeth, giving her a kiss.
   "Hello, it's Aphrodite again, well Percy's right I do have a slide show planned, the next few are pictures."

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