Halloween is here. Oh joy... (Part 3)

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I admired my wings in the mirror before Ashes whistle interuped my thoughts. "Nice set of feathers you got there." He said with raised eyebrows. "Thanks" I said and smiled to myself. "Well, I got my wings out, you can leave now" I said with the same smile maybe bigger. "Fine, i'm goin'." He said and rolled his eyes, then made his way to the door, I then heard it open and slam behind him as he left.

Reaching behind me I felt my wings, they were soft and fragile looking, though they were very hard to pluck and coudn't be damaged easily, but if one were to be plucked it would hurt ALOT and bleed obviously.

I sighed lightly and made my way to the window and looked out, as soon as I turned around there was a woosh behind me, I spun quickly around to see a note now laying on my pillow which wasn't there a few seconds ago.

I slowly crept near it and picked up the note, it had my name written on it, I unfolded the paper and read it aloud. "Acantha, I know you can not be bothered with the things going on up here, but a war has broken out and we need as much help as possible to keep everyone alive, there are demons everywhere and are taking angels hostage, but do not come from where you are hidden, we need you to stay hidden, keep away from any demons and don't turn your back on anyone, but when I tell you that we need help the only way you can help is by staying hidden"

I sat the note down and sighed. "It's always something..." I said out loud and sat on the bed, my dog trotting over and jumped up on the bed beside me and whined at me, animals always seemed to know when something was bothering you.

I smiled at him and pet his head. 'Wait...' I thought suddenly. 'Ash!, hes a Demon, what if hes going to try and kill me!' I thought suddenly paniced, I slowly stood from my spot on the bed and crept over to the door and locked it then slowly walked to the window and shut the blinds.

I leaned against the window and sighed heavily. 'Maybe i'm just imagining this, he doesn't seem to want to kill me, I mean he was alone in a hotel room with me and didn't even try and kill me yet' I thought, but now I was probaly only thinking that to make myself better but it did help in a way.

It was holloween, not something I wanted it to be but it was, so all I needed to do was survive the night and I would be okay, I sighed again and just looked around at everything. "Sometimes I just need to keep it togather." I said aloud and walked over to the bed and sat down. "Come here boy." I said softly to my dog who jumped back up onto the bed after I scared him off it a few moments ago and looked at me tilting his head while panting and wagging his tail.

"Your a good boy." I cooed to him and started scratching him on the head and behind his ears then leaned down and kissed his head, and hugged him. "What do you think about Ash?" I asked, resting my head on top of his.

He just wagged his tail like any other dog, so I just smiled again and pet his head one more time before getting back up and walked over to the window again, opening up the blinds just slightly to peek out.

But, as I thought, there was nothing there, I opened the blinds again, then walking over to the door I unlocked it. "This is silly, there's nothing here." I muttered and flopped down facefirst on the bed "I hate demons!" I yelled into the pillow...


"No surprise there." A husky voice breathed behind me...

I'm back in buisness! Who do you think the mystery person is? Someone she knows? An enemy? Please comment, after I saw the follows and votes, some comment's, even though one was negative, but in my defence, the 'Black and white' line wasn't to be racist, I have nothing against other colored people, I'm not racist, it was just to mean, angels usually wear white, and demons usually wear black, like shadows are dark, and people say their evil, light is mostly white so it's considered good, that's all, I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I honestly didn't mean to, and didn't think anything of it... So, sorry.

But comment, vote, and add to your reading list, but of course, no pressure! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2013 ⏰

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