Alone and Lonely

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I woke to a "Thump" "Thump" "Thump" outside and sat up, i rubbed my eyes and pulled the blankets away and got up, walking over to the window i opened the certains, there was a flag hitting against the side building next to this one.

"Why does the wind have to be blowing this early!" I grumbled to myself and looked at the digital clock on the wall that read 6:23 AM, i groaned and threw myself back onto the bed covering the blankets back over my head.

I layed like that for 25 to 30 minutes, "Ughhh!" I growled when i couldn't fall asleep, i dragged myself out of bed and looked out the window pointingly to the flag. "This is your fault" I growled to the flag that was still thumping on the wall.

I walked slowly to the bathroom and opened the door, i stepped inside and shut the door and took off my dress and other clotheing, i stepped into the shower and turnt on the water, at first it was cold but warmed up a few minutes later.

It turnt hot and i stepped under it letting the warmth of the water relax my acheing muscles, i flipped my hair over my soulders and rubbed my eyes, i looked to the shampoo on the wall and grabbed it, i squirted some into my palm.

I rubbed my hands togather lightly and put it onto my hair, i rubbed in the soap then rinsed it out and did that another time before i turnt off the water, i shivered and grabbed the towel that was hanging on a hook outside the shower.

I dryed my hair first then my body, i wrapped the towel around me and stepped out of the shower, i picked up my dress and shook it out, 'I seriously need some new clothes' I thought to myself as i put my clotheing back on.

I walked to the door and opened it steping back into the room, i went over and grabbed my purse slinging it over my soulder, i walked from the room and down the stairs where i was greeted by the nice lady behind the counter, "Good morning dear" She said happily and i returned the "Good morning".

I walked from the hotel and made my way across the street, i looked around and spotted a Walmart sign, i followed the sidewalk for around fiften minutes before coming to the Walmart, i walked up to the doors as someone held it open for me.

I nodded my thanks and walked in, i went strait to the womens clotheing section, i looked around till i found a pair of nice jeans and a t-shirt, i picked them up and payed, i asked the man if i could put these on in the dressing room and leave with them on.

He agreed and i went over and into the changeing room, i changed into the jeans and t-shirt and left putting just fitting my dress into my purse, i left and went down the sidewalk and back to the hotel, i greeted the lady and went back to my room unlocking the door.

I went over and sat on the bed, i looked to my pillow and there was a note on it, i read it "Dear Acantha, i've noticed you have made a nice life on earth. well so far, anyway things are doing fine here, take care of yourself, signed: your Mother"

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