Meeting a Demon

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It's been a few hours since i got the note from my mother, i paced my room and sighed, i guess it's possible that she did care how i was and that i was okay but still it made no sence for her to leave a note now after all these years.

I stopped pacing and sat on the bed note in my hand, i dicided to go out around town and see if she was still around, i ran over and got on my shoes running from the hotel room and down the stairs out into the street.

I began walking along the sidewalk through town, i kept my eyes down on the note as i walked along the sidewalk, knowing me i ended up hitting into someone else and landing on the ground.

I looked up meeting a pair of black eyes and fought the urge to scream and run away, "I...i'm sorry, i didn't mean to bump into you" I stuttered out.

'Just my luck to run into a Demon' I thought, "Watch your step love you never know who you'll hit into" He said with a slight british accent, he held out a hand and i took it hesitantly, he pulled me up and released my hand. "Umm, thanks" I said looking down.

"No problem, now whys an angel runnin' round a town like this, you know there might be a demon runnin' round here just waiting to kill one of you angels" I looked up at him with a shocked face.

He just laughed. "Just kiddin' i wouldn't hurt you, atleast not now" He said, i looked at his appearance. He had dark brown hair almost black, a little below his soulders, and had a bright white streak down one side about an inch wide standing out greatly with his dark brown hair.

He wore black pants and a t-shirt a leather looking jacket over the black t-shirt, he had a thin chain around his right wrist that held a tooth most likely of a drakell a kind of dog like creature that lived with demons kind of like hell hounds only bigger and with larger fangs and black eyes like the demons.

I nodded, "Yeah, well.." I said trailing off, "How rude of me, they call me Ash" He said extending his hand, "Yeah, nice to meet you i guess, My names Acantha" I said shaking his hand, then dropping it just as quick, "Very lovely name you have, Acantha" He said with a smile, i smiled back still wary. "Thanks".

"Well it was a pleasure meeting you, Acantha but i need to go, good day" He said then he was gone just as fast as he appeared, i stood there dumbfounded. "What have i gotten myself into"

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