Important Notice!!

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Hi guys,

There are A LOT of you asking me to update. And i mean A LOOOT!!

I love the fact you guys are so keen on reading this fanfic HOWEVER.....

I am going through a REALLY busy period at the moment! I have just started my A2's so not only do I have TONS of coursework but I am also applying for universities which means I'm having to spend a lot of time researching, writing my personal statement and a heck of workload along side!

This year is really important for me and I'm sure those in the same position understand!

I love that you really like what I'm writing but some people are being a bit blunt/rude about it and saying things like "OMFG UPDATE ALREADY" which to me, comes across as a little aggressive even if it's not meant to be!

Please try to respect that this is a really important time in my life and I need all the time I can have!

I am trying to write but it's REALLY difficult right now considering Ive just started the year but I am trying none the less!!

I know you have been patient over summer as well because I was working but that was a 9am - 6pm shift and c'mon! how was i supposed to update then!?

Just bare with me! As soon as i get all of this to a side and i see some free hours I will start to update again!

Thank you so much!!!

LOVE YOU!!!! xxxxx

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