Chapter 8

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   After the little question and answer moment, me and Alfreed decided to spend the day in each other's company. I know I should get going but it's not everyday that you get to see a friend you haven't seen in years. A day of relaxing and having fun wouldn't hurt, right? Though, I have told her that by nightfall, I would continue on my journey.

   "So, what should we do first? We can't just let this day passed by without us doing anything. We must make the best of it!" Alfreed said enthusiastically.

   "How about..." I thought about that one thing that we haven't done yet. It only took a moment to know what it was. "We look for food first? I'm hungry and I know so are you. We haven't eaten anything since we woke up," I said. "There's a river up ahead, but I bet you already know that." I mumbled the last part.

   "Sounds good to me. Why don't we head there now?" Alfreed was already walking towards the river. She never changed. I chuckle a bit to myself before following her. It was only a short walk to the river. Alfreed was in the river, with a long sharp stick in her hand and eyeing the movements of the fishes in the water. W-wait! Where did she get that stick? I looked around to find the source of the stick and mentally sweat-dropped when I spotted a bunch in a broken shed. I headed towards the shed and took one of the long, sharp sticks.

   I heard a loud laugh and a "I got one!" from the female in the river. She grabbed the fish from the stick and threw it to my direction. I immediately let go of the stick I'm holding to catch the fish. It was moving a bit, and due to it's slimy texture, it was quite difficult on getting a hold of it mostly because it was thrown to me.

   "Alfreed, you could've just put it on the rocks," I exclaimed, pointing my index finger at the rocks by the river. She only laughed and continued what she has been doing.

   I sigh. I lowered my hand and looked at the fish on my other hand. I had successfully caught the fish. I grabbed the stick that had fallen to the ground with my free hand and walked to the rocks. I put the fish in the rocks and leaned my stick in it. I reached for my boots and removed them. I fold my trousers to knees length to avoid it from getting wet. I then grabbed my stick again and plunge my feet in to the cool water of the river.

   I walked in a slow pace towards an area where the fishes gather. Quietly raising my stick, I swiftly pierce the fish that was swimming to my direction. "Yes!" I shouted. I proudly raised my stick which showed that a fish has been caught.

   "Alfreed," I shouted. "I caught one!" I grinned to my friend.

   "Good job, (F/n)!" she gave me a thumbs up. "But I'm not going to let you win!" She turned and pierce her stick into the water. She raised it also and pointed at the fish that was caught on it. "See?"

   "I accept your challenge," I said, determined, and we began the challenge. The challenge is if who'll catch the most fishes.

   After a little while, we decided to end the challenge since the sun is already up high in the sky and also after seeing the amount of fishes we had caught. "One... Two... Three... Four..." I counted my fishes. "... Ten... Eleven..." I continued counting. I took a glance to Alfreed who was also counting her catch. No way I'll lose to her! I put my attention back to counting.

   "(F/n)! I caught fifteen. How about you?" Alfreed asked me excitedly.

   "Oh... Then we're the same," I pointed to my pile of fishes. "I also caught fifteen."

   "So, it's a tie huh?" she said.

   I nodded. "Now, let's prepare the fire and roast the fishes. By the amount of what we caught, it should last even until tomorrow."

   "You can take some with you later," she suggested.

   "I guess that wouldn't hurt," I agreed. Having extra food supply would be good for me anyway.

   The day went by fast. It was already nighttime. It also meant that I must get going. I packed my bags and head to my horse.

   "I must get going, Alfreed," I said to my companion as I mounted my horse.

   "I understand. Well then, I'll see you around, (F/n)!" she said, smiling.

   "See you soon, Alfreed. Farewell for now," I said before I rode off.

   I was riding in a fast pace so I could reach Narsus' house faster. I had spent the day playing around and so I can't waste my time any longer. I had passed the edge of the forest and was now riding pass the plains to another forest in the distance. It was a long trip, a tiring one, but I had not stopped or even slowed down (H/n)'s pace until we reached the mountains. I recognized the surroundings and I knew that I was going in the right direction. I can't help but wonder about the feeling that something is happening to Pars. Something that isn't good. I think back to my encounters on my way here. The sudden show up of Lusitanian soldiers in the woods. That wouldn't normally happen if everything is alright.

   I saw the sign of the house of Narsus not far from where I am now. I picked up the pace of (H/n). I was approaching the house in a steady pace and noticed that it was dark. Maybe they are sleeping.

   I unmounted my horse a bit far from my destination and walked from there. I tied my horse to a tree nearby and knocked on the door. No answer. I knocked again. Still no answer. I tried opening the door and was surprised that it was not locked. Panic started to flood inside me. I hastily enter the house and saw that it was deserted. Thankfully, it was a full moon night. The light of the moon entered the house making me see what is inside. My eyes caught the open trap door on the floor. I took a hesitant peek in it and saw a piece of red cloth steadily floating on the water. A cloth from a Pars soldier's clothing? I took a look around. Just what had happened here? I have to find Narsus and make him explain all of this fast!

   Without wasting anymore time, I turned my heel and untied my horse and mounted it. I saw horses foot prints on the ground and decided to follow. Good thing that it hasn't rained or else I'd have trouble. I don't have any idea though if who's company does it belong to but it's better than nothing. I will find out soon enough.



I don't own Arslan Senki (The Heroic Legend of Arslan). It belongs to Yoshiki Tanaka and Hiromu Arakawa. I only own some plot changes and the like but most of the story (characters, places, etc.) belong to the authors.

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