Chapter 10

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   I can hear my breathing getting heavier and heavier as (H/n) ran through the narrow path of the mountain pass. After I heard the news from that soldier, I immediately ran to my horse and maneuvered (him/her) towards the mountains. Sensing my distress and somewhat reading my mind, (H/n) ran to the direction I wanted to go. If I was in a calmer state, I would go for the woods on the top of the cliff and go through it while scanning the area for my friends and for the enemies. But I was not in a calmed state, I was in a distressed one. I know that I should get a hold of myself but I like how the adrenaline is making my body and my mind work than normal.

   My right hand found its way to the sheathed sword on my waist, my whole body finding comfort at the action. I can hear noises. Shouts and sword clashes. I know that I'm near and my body is itching to help my friends. I gripped on the hilt of my sword hard. I can feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead. My palms getting sweaty as the noises become louder. I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. It did little effect but it helped. "Just behind that curve and I'm sure I'll be on the battlefield." I mumbled. 

   I pulled out my sword. I was ready for the battle. Just as (H/n) was about to go out on the battlefield, an arrow shot past my horse's front, startling (him/her). I lost my grip on (his/her) reigns and ended up falling to the ground. Before I could even react, I felt a sharp feeling on my shoulder that was soon replaced by a painful feeling. I immediately looked at that shoulder and saw that I was shot by an arrow. "Tch. Great." I hissed as I pulled out the arrow swiftly. I grabbed my sword that is lying beside me, I was silently thanking that it did not stabbed me when I fell.

   Ignoring the pain, I stood up and spotted a woman aiming for another shot at me. I ran towards her. She fired the shot and I dodged it. She seemed surprised that I was fast but then she regained her composure and aimed another arrow at me. As much as I was running at my fastest, I was struggling getting to where she was because she is at the top of the cliff and she was still shooting her arrows. I would either dodge them or parry them. I was getting annoyed because it was hindering me from stopping the woman's attacks and getting to the top.

   She seemed to be amused of me, seeing that I was not an easy opponent, she stopped firing. Her actions confused me but I didn't give a care about it because I was getting near her. I saw her hand going to her back. "A signal?" I give a swing of my sword to at least make her stumble. To my dismay, she had pulled out her dagger and has parried my attack. "Heh. So it was a weapon," I said, amusement lacing through my voice.

   "You are strong not like the others but you must die, Lusitanian soldier!" the woman said.

   'Lusitanian? No, I'm...' I took a quick glace at what I am wearing and that was when I realized that I was still wearing the uniform of a Lusitanian.

   The woman saw that I was distracted for a second and used it as an opportunity to push me. I stumbled but luckily, I did not fell from the cliff but I was on the edge. "That was close..." I felt a sweat dropped as I looked at the rocky bottom. 'What would've happen if I didn't regain my balance?' I brought back my attention to my opponent only to see her charging at me. I immediately side stepped and prepared myself to strike at her. She looked at me and changed her direction to mine. She then made a swing of her dagger at me which I parried.

   We were fighting for a while, me ignoring the pain that was on my shoulder, until a rock was thrown at me. I forcefully pushed the woman before looking at the source of the thrown rock. My eyes widen at the sight of Elam. "E-Elam?" I called out. Hearing me call him, he raised an eyebrow and looked at me intently, figuring how on earth did I know his name. I was surprised when I felt a sharp pain on my side. I slowly looked at what caused the pain and saw the woman plunging her dagger deeper into my flesh.

    With all my might, I kicked her which made her backed away. She goes to Elam's side and asked, "Do you know the soldier?"

   Elam shook his head but still has his gaze on me. "I-Idiot... How could you forget about me?" I flashed a smile at Elam before falling on my knees. My hand automatically flew to the wound on my side. The other made its way to the helm I'm wearing, slowly removing it. "Maybe you could remember me now." I had successfully remove the head armor making my (h/c), (h/l) fall. I saw his eyes widening. "(F-F/n)?!" I smiled at him before I hit the ground, unconscious.



I don't own Arslan Senki (The Heroic Legend of Arslan). It belongs to Yoshiki Tanaka and Hiromu Arakawa. I only own some plot changes and the like but most of the story (characters, places, etc.) belong to the authors.



Woah... It took me some time to update... again. xD And this was short, yeah. Now, now... Who's excited for July 3??? I am! ^^ Yahoo! Plus an OVA has been released. YEHEY! xD

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