Chapter 17

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   Oh boy. Oh boy! I didn't expect this. Wow. So much for being me. I rolled my eyes on the last part. I should've been careful. But who would've gotten the idea that their map would get blown away in the midst of fighting? And when I say "their" I meant "myself". My awesome, very careful self. It was pretty clear that I'm frustrated with myself because of my carelessness. Yes, I know that if the others will know what is happening to me now, they'd just brushed it off, probably saying that it's no big deal and it's normal to happen to anyone because we're just human beings.

   I felt (H/n) nudge my arm. (He/She) was clearly concerned about my outburst. The moment I discovered that my only device for navigation was lost, I couldn't help but punch a tree multiple times. I wanted to shout, I really do, but that would give the Lusitanian my location, to which I'd rather not. I stroke (H/n)'s cheek. "Don't worry, (boy/girl). I'll be fine. We'll be fine. For now, we have to figure out if it's east or west of Ecbatana. Determining east from west is easy, so we don't have any problems with that."

   I was present when we were discussing the plans on how to get to Peshawar but somehow, in the middle of it, I got bored and started to whittle on an unused firewood. I wasn't really listening to the plans after that. I knew that Narsus would repeat the final plan before adjourning the meeting and calling it a day. That turned out to be a mistake. And I realized it just now. Narsus did a run through the plan again but he didn't mention where Peshawar is. But he didn't mention where the fortress is. But I didn't give a care about it because I was confident that we will be able to get through the trouble and arrive there together.

   If anyone is wondering, yes, I have learned about geography and all but since it's boring, I don't pay much attention to it. I'm more into fighting than thinking. And those thinking I do when I'm in trouble are results of adrenaline rush. That's just it. If only I have been keen on listening to the classes or to the plans I wouldn't be in this situation.

   The sun is raising. After a long battle last night, it has become peaceful, for now. I have managed to outrun my pursuers and hid behind the trees where I set up a camp. "I wonder if they have arrived at Peshawar safely," I said to no one in particular. "As much as I hope that they will come find me, I'd doubt it. Narsus, Daryun, and Elam would put their trust in me that I will show up sooner or later even if Arslan, who would be worried, tells them to locate me."

   I let out a long sigh. Are there villages nearby? Someone out there who are in some sort of journey? Merchants, maybe? Or in worst cases, a Lusitanian camp? At this moment, I really don't care. I have to find a way acquire directions for Peshawar. Be it the easy or hard way. "Looks like for now, we'll just have to follow what my guts tell me," I patted (H/n)'s head. "And it's telling me that we should just go in a straight direction to wherever it brings us. I hope that alright with you." (H/n) responded with a slight nudge on my hand. I smiled and held on the lead rope. "I can feel that we won't be in danger and we won't need to do some escaping so I'm just going to walk."

   It's quite funny how (H/n) didn't move from (his/her) position for a short while, pretty much telling me that (he/she) is unsure of what I just have said. Well, I can't erase that doubt in (him/her) considering the situation we're in. Much more now that we are separated from the group. "Now, now, trust me on this one, (boy/girl), alright?"

   Okay, so I was wrong. I lead the both of us to a small Lusitanian camp and here we are, on the run. Here's what happened.

   I saw some smoke, not too far from where we were resting, and decided approached it. Taking what I had said earlier in mind, I left my sword. But of course, I approached with caution but not that much. In fact, when I was only a bush away from the camp site I heard laughter and a bit of merry-making and it got me relieved that they sound like merchants taking a break. I cheerfully greeted them with a big, "Nice to meet you!" Time froze. There was a staring contest, until one of them finally realized the situation and fired an arrow at me. Thankfully, it was a miss, or else I'm dead meat.

   They then began firing their arrows at me and all I could do is dodge or parry using my dagger. It would be easy if they were either knights or lancers. Or even those that use maces or are good in hand-to-hand combat. But archers, no. Well, yes, I can take them down but not with my unfortunate dagger, which is rusty. Not much a help, 'ey? In addition, I am not wearing any of my armor. And it looks like, the Lusitanian archers won't stop until I'm dead. Okay, time to run.

   Now back to the current situation. I admit, I was not myself there. I had too much bad luck for the day. We ran out of food. I was overconfident that we won't encounter any problems, causing me to become a bit laidback and my carelessness to show. I didn't bother to sharpen my dagger nor decided to wear any armor. Which was a mistake. A very bad mistake. And I'm not wearing any armor even as we ran away from our pursuers.

   "Sorry, (boy/girl), looks like my prediction is wrong." Oh, oh.. (He/She)'s not responding. Great, now (H/n)'s mad at me. "I know you're mad but we need to lose them." It wasn't long until I heard the sound of a horn. Damn. Reinforcements are coming. We need to hide, fast! (H/n) suddenly sped up, if that was possible. I can feel that (he/she) has also realized what is coming and given our current situation, we could not win. Not yet.

   To avoid us being hit by the arrows, (H/n) ran in zigzags. I'm getting a little dizzy because of it but I can't afford to lose focus now. I can see that the distance between the Lusitanians and us is growing. Soon, their shouts are no more to be heard. But it didn't opt me to stop (H/n). We may never know who is waiting.

   Yes, we never know. Not even the arrow that is now sharply pierced on the right side of my stomach. That little bit of dizziness from earlier prevented me from regaining my balance, causing me to fall off of (H/n). I saw soldiers from behind the trees, slowly coming out of hiding. Seeing one aiming for my horse, I gave a gesture to (him/her) to leave. There was hesitation on (H/n) but I was determined to send (him/her) off because I know that we won't be able to get away. I won't be able to get away. I immediately recognized that the arrow on my side was laced with poison. A very deadly poison. Because of my training since I was young, I have built an a resistance against poison, preventing it from killing me but the deadliest poisons are able to knock me unconscious for quite some time. And I can feel my consciousness slipping away.

   With every strength I have left, I mouthed a, "Go! Find them!" to (H/n). A smile made it's way to my lips when I saw (him/her) ran away. The arrow was released but it didn't hit my horse. They won't be able to catch (him/her). I'm sure of it. It's (H/n) after all.

   Now... How shall I escape this fate of mine? One... Two... Three... I'm good with combat but not when it comes to great numbers. I'm better off as an assassin and a spy rather than a frontline warrior. The soldiers surrounding me is lesser than an army but given my current situation, I may not come out alive. It's what I try to avoid.

   Footsteps. I hear them getting louder and louder. A hand suddenly grabbed my face, forcing me to look at a face, though it's a bit blurry. Everything is getting blurry. "Well, well... Look who we have here."

   "W-Who are y-you?" I managed to say in a bit of stuttering manner. My lids are getting heavy.

   "You'll know my identity when you wake up, little girl." A man? Or is it a woman? I can't tell anymore. I'm slipping out. "Sleep well."

   I then blacked out.



I don't own Arslan Senki (The Heroic Legend of Arslan). It belongs to Yoshiki Tanaka and Hiromu Arakawa. I only own some plot changes and the like but most of the story (characters, places, etc.) belong to the authors.



Hi! :D

Thanks for the wait! I finally had some free time to finish this chapter. Summer vacation is now here that means more time to think and write. Hahahaha... If inspiration kicks in, hopefully.

In this chap, I made reader-san's character vulnerable. In previous chapters, reader-san is a badass, kicking Lusitanian soldiers' butts and showing off skills in combat and infiltration. I want to give (him/her/they) a moment where it makes others remember that reader-san still has flaws.

I was thinking of putting some romance maybe in the story but I can't decide on to whom shall reader-san be paired. Lol.

Oh well... Hope you enjoyed this one! ^^ Thanks for all the love and support! Love ya all! :*

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