When You're Gone...

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My bags were packed and in the trunk of my impala, this time I would be driving all the way to Kentucky.

I hadn't talked to Alex much in these few days I had been back, I made excuses not to see him. I ignored 2/3 of his calls and always texted back two hours later. Mostly because I felt guilty just picking up and running.

As I opened the car door I heard someone call my name. Speak of the devil. I swung myself into the car and turned over the ignition.

"Wait! Stella! What are you doing?" I rolled down the window, not daring to look at him in case I cried.

"I'm leaving Baltimore." My breath hitched and so did his.

"Why?" I couldn't tell him that I saw him kissing Lisa. He'd make up an excuse and beg me to stay.

"I'm moving in with my aunt. By choice." I added the last part with hesitation.

"What? Stella, what about us?" He pleaded and I was breaking on the inside. I would've pulled away already but his hands were firmly gripped on the entrance of the window.

"What about us?" I snapped, still not looking at him.

"Stella, I love you." His voice cracked.

"Alex..." The words came out of my mouth so fast I couldn't stop it. "I'm not in love with you."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw his hands fall off the car. I took the chance and gunned it down the street. Before I turned off the street I glanced in the rearview mirror to see Alex. Standing. He was just standing.

Part of me wanted him to chase me, but I guess he didn't care.

Alex's POV the day Stella came home.

I was beyond excited about seeing Stella again. There was a knock at the door and a huge grin spread across my face, but as I opened the door I was shocked to find Lisa.

"Lisa?" I questioned.

"Alex, can we talk?" She asked.

"Um, sure?" I stepped outside and pulled the door shut behind me. "What's up?" I asked. She grabbed my face and viciously attacked my lips. I was shocked at first before I found myself kissing back.

Alex what the hell?


Pull away!

What about Stells?!

I finally pulled away and Lisa had a huge grin spread across here face. Her smile deflated when she saw me frown.

I was pissed. I had a girlfriend. HER SISTER!

"Lisa, I think you should leave." I told her.

"You kissed back Alex." She smirked before stalking back to her car and speeding off.

That night I called Stella.

"Hey princess I heard you were back." I grinned.

She hummed a 'mhm' her voice sounded strained, like she was going to cry.

"You okay?" I asked expecting her excuse. She sighed and said she was tired. I decided to let her be for the night.

"Goodnight." I sighed.

"Goodbye.." She mumbled and hung up.

Stella barely talked to me. Telling me she was busy, ignoring me, saying she kept losing her phone. I decided today to confront her. As I walked toward her house, I saw the figure if Stella carrying a couple of bags to her impala.

"Stella!" I called as she slid into the car. She turned over the ignition and I ran to her car, banging on the window.

"Wait! Stella, what are you doing?" She rolled the window down but kept her eyes fixated on something in front of her.

"I'm leaving Baltimore." Her voice left her and any breath I had left me.

"Why?" I asked her searching for any reason that she would need to leave.

"I'm moving in with my aunt. By choice." By choice?

"What? Stella, what about us?!" I didn't ask with as much force as I wanted to, it came out more as a pained plea.

"What about us?" She snapped.

"Stella, I love you." My voice cracked as I tried to hold back the tears.

"Alex- I'm not in love with you."

My heart stopped and I couldn't breathe. She doesn't love me? I let my hands slide off the car as she pulled away. She doesn't love me.

I watched as the car disappeared from sight, before I started walking. I walked and walked until I reached the park where Stella and I spent a lot of our free time together. I sat on a empty swing set in the barren playground.

She's really gone. She left me.

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