After Dark.

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“I definitely missed this!” Alex smiled as he sat beside me setting a bowl of popcorn in my lap. I smiled to myself. Alex and I had patched things up to the point where we were best friends again. We had no secrets-well except for my feelings for him. But he was back with Lisa and seemed sincerely happy; I wasn’t going to ruin that for him. Besides, I was perfectly fine with being his best friend. I was still close to him and I wasn’t fucking it up this time. At least this way he can’t cheat, accidentally or on purpose.

“Me too.” I clicked play before the title screen for Peter Pan had the chance to loop again. I remember the first time Alex had forced me to watch it. I wasn’t a fan at first but after the thirteenth time I had to admit I had taken a shining to the children’s movie. It still didn’t beat Aristocats. Halfway through the movie I had settled my head into the crook of Alex’s neck and was drifting off to sleep, but he didn’t seem to mind.

“Hey sleepyhead,” Alex shook me awake. I blinked, focusing my eyes to a screen filled with credits.

“No.” I mumbled turning my head and burying my face into his shirt and I couldn’t help breathing in his scent.

“You have to go to bed!” He told me and I groaned. “Nope.”

“Afraid so princess, now come on.” Him calling me princess was enough motivation to have me get up.

“I have to get a shower anyway. You staying the night?” Even now it wasn’t weird for us to have sleepovers but they only occurred at my new apartment in Baltimore.

“Not tonight babe.” His eyes widened at the use of the pet name but he covered it with a coughing fit so I ignored it.

“Right then.” I watched as he rose from the couch and pulled me into a hug. “See you later?”

“Always.” He winked before slipping on his shoes and jacket. He gave me one last glance then let himself out. I sighed as the door shut behind him. He called me babe. Was it an accident or did he mean something by it? Damn. Every moment I spend with this boy leaves more questions left unanswered. I ran my hands through my hair and locked the front door before starting a shower.


As I pulled on my-or rather Alex’s sweatshirt and a pair of shorts I heard someone knock on the door. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 1:03 am. Cautiously, I made my way to the door. I looked through the peephole and sighed in relief when I recognized Jack’s skunk-hair.

“Jack, it’s like, one in the morning.” I said opening the door. He faced me with a sad look and I pursed my lips before letting him in. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s stupid really.” He sighed sitting on the couch. I laughed and grabbed us both a beer from the fridge and handed him one.

“Remember when I called you over at four in the morning because there was a spider on the ceiling.” He smiled slightly then looked at the T.V. which still had the Peter Pan title screen repeating on it.

“Clarissa cheated on me…”

“I know how that goes.” I frowned at my response. I was trying to sympathize but it sounded like I was making it about me. “I mean… I feel for you and I know how much you liked her.” I smiled inwardly at my newer, much less selfish response. Jack looked at me thoughtfully and nodded. “Besides, if she cheated what good was she anyway?”

“You’re right, thanks Stell-bells.” He smiled weakly.


“Sorry, it just came to me…” He said worriedly.

“No! I like it, it’s perfect.”  I grinned and he returned it. I finally sat down beside him and pulled him it into an awkward side hug. We sat in silence until I looked up to see Jack staring at me, a small smile playing at his lips. “What?”

“Nothing. It’s just-you’re just…” He went quiet as if searching for the words to say. I don’t know what came over me; I pulled his face to mine and connected our lips. He wasn’t Alex, but I wasn’t complaining. Soon enough we were in a heated make-out session. I was laying on the couch with Jack hovering over me and various articles of clothing were strewn across the floor. I pulled away from the kiss and asked if he had a condom while he continued to trail kisses down my neck. He sat up, almost straddling me but not quite and leaned down pulling a condom from his wallet.

“You keep your condoms in your wallet?”

He shrugged. “You never know.”

I let out a small laugh as Jack practically ripped his boxers off and rolled on the condom. I shimmied out of my panties, leaving us both completely naked.

“Is this your first time?” He asked quietly and I shook my head honestly. I’d given myself to Josh and it obviously wasn’t enough..

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