Lived A Lie.

380 11 5

Sept 1, 2013

I sighed shutting my book as my cat, Pippin, squeaked.

"Why don't you ever meow?" I asked her as she curiously snaked her head beneath my arm.

"Talking to the cat again, love?" My boyfriend Josh asked climbing into bed beside me.

"Maybe. Is it bed time?" I asked him like I was a small child and he chuckled and nodded.

"Lucifer!" I called and soon enough I heard the clicking of my dashund puppy's claws against the hardwood as he bounded into the bedroom.

We all settled into bed with Lucifer down by our feet when Josh got a text. I sighed.

"Sorry babe but-"

"It's the band. Yeah, I get it" I told him. Josh nodded and kissed me on the cheek before pulling on a pair of jeans and a grey shirt. When the front door slammed I clicked off the lamp and rolled over sighing. Lucifer waddled up the bed and curled up beside me and I couldn't help my grin.

I turned my iPhone on shuffle and Heroes by All Time Low came on. My breath hitched at the thought of the guys. I know keeping their songs on my phone was torture but so was the fact that Rian's girlfriend was my best friend. Of course Rian knew the situation and Cass understood that the rest of the guys couldn't find out about me.

I still lived in Kentucky though and I almost never heard of them playing here. Josh didn't come here often either. We had a long distance relationship with him in California, he only saw me when he did work down here.

I often wondered what the rest of the band would do if they found out about me. Jack... Zack... Alex. Of course my mind lingered on Alex. I was always thinking of Alex. Relating things to him, like his love for music and peanut butter. Every scar on my wrist reminded me of how we first met.

Tears silently lined my cheeks as I continued through my memories of Alex. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

The next morning Josh still wasn't home yet, but it was probably nothing. Maybe he stayed at Max's. Today I was helping out at a bridal show- and by helping out I mean wandering around aimlessly while drinking tea and eating turkey wraps.

I took a quick shower before I putting on a black dress that came to my mid thigh. If I bent over you would have a fine view of my ass, I honestly felt like a whore in it. After pulling on my high heels I drove to the Hilton in downtown Lexington.

"Thank you so much." My aunt Samantha told me as we finished unloading the things needed for the bridal show.

"It's no problem, really." I told her but on the inside my feet were killing me and I wanted to sleep.

"Seriously, go take a break." Samantha insisted and I nodded a thanks and walked off. I scanned the other booths trying samples when I caught a glimpse of the past. Is that Jack? I thought to myself he turned around and his eyes widened when he saw me. I turned quickly and walked as fast as I could in heels. I turned a corner and sighed, leaning up against a wall thinking I was in the clear; I was wrong.

"Stella?" I heard Jack's usually bubbly voice breathe in a serious tone.

"What are you doing here? Alex isn't getting married is he?" I couldn't stop the question. Jack narrowed his eyes.

"Why do you care? You're not in love with him." He snapped and I sighed. I deserved his harsh time but I was still hurt by it. Jack noticed and sighed before hugging me. "I'm sorry, I missed you Stells." He told me squeezing me tight.

"I missed you too Jack." I said and Jack pulled away.

"But seriously though, why do you care, I thought you weren't in love with Alex. Or that's what you told him." Jack said sounding thoroughly confused.

"That's what I told him... But that doesn't make it true." I sighed.

"If it wasn't true why'd you say it?" He asked. I looked around before grabbing Jack's hand and dragging him to the break room where they were serving breakfast. I grabbed a turkey wrap and sat in one of the leather chairs, Jack took a seat beside me.

"It was the only thing I could think of to get him to back off so I could leave. If I told him the real reason I was leaving, he would have done all in his power to keep me there." I told Jack.

"So why did you really leave?" He asked and I looked at my feet. Leaving was quite an over reaction to him kissing Lisa and I was really embarrassed to admit it.

"He kissed Lisa."

Jack laughed and I glared at him he cleared his throat and mumbled sorry.


"But wasn't that a little irrational, leaving just because they kissed?"

"I was a hormonal seventeen year old who had been offered a house here not even 12 hours before." I stated.

"I get it." Jack said.

"Do you? Because Lisa did but only because she was fucking Alex when I called her." I snapped and Jack pulled me into an unexpected hug.

"Get it in Jack!" I heard a voice from the doorway that made me freeze.

"Fuck." Me and Jack both said at the same time before turning to face Alex.

He stood there silent. His eyes burning holes into my skin. They were filled with hurt and hatred. Alex turned and stalked off. I couldn't hold back the tears that came with the thought of his undying hate towards me. Jack took notice and kissed the side of my head.

"It'll be fine."

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