To The Moon

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I slept on the couch that night; partially because my legs hurt too much to walk but mostly because I had lost all willpower to do anything. I couldn’t really sleep either. I rolled around on the couch until about 4:30 when I finally fell asleep. In the few hours of I actually slept, I dreamt of Alex and Lisa getting married. I was the maid of honor and Jack was the best man. Jack and I had danced together and later I caught the bouquet, earning a loving glance from Jack.

I woke at 7 and didn’t bother going back to sleep, I had other plans. I called Jack and he picked up on the fourth ring.

“Hello?” He sounded confused and tired. I must’ve woken him up and he didn’t bother checking the caller I.D.

“Jack? Its Stella.” I spoke as I limped to my room, grabbing a suitcase from the hall closet on the way.

“Hey baby, are you okay?” He sounded genuinely concerned and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Um, I think so… I don’t know—can you come over, like now?” I asked him and I heard a grunt from the other end of the line followed by a loud yawn.

“Of course, Hun. What for?” He asked.

I sighed as I threw random articles of clothing into my suitcase before grabbing a small bag and putting personal hygiene products in it.

“Babe?” I heard his worried voice ring through the phone.

“I’ll tell you when you get here, okay?”

“Okay, I’m getting dressed right now. I’ll be over in five, alright?”

I grabbed my makeup back along with the bag of hygiene products and threw them on top of the suitcase.

“Alright.” I said quietly.

Jack got here almost exactly five minutes after we hung up. I opened the door to his worried brown eyes. I smiled sadly at him.

“What’s going on, pup?” He asked after I had let him in.

“Well… last week Josh actually called me—“ I paused when I saw Jack tense up. “—he told me he had left my apartment but went ahead and paid for this month in case I decided I wanted to keep the place.”

“And?” Jack urged me to go on.

“I’ve decided that I missed Kentucky, I miss Luci and Pippin… I want to go back but—I—I want you to come with me…” My gazed glued itself to my feet as I continued. “I’m going anyway. My bags are packed and everything, it’d just be great for you to come too.” I sighed and looked at him. He came towards me and enveloped me in a tight hug.

“I’d go to the moon with you, Stella.”

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