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I shut the door behind me to my empty apartment, wincing as I bent over to pet an over-excited Lucifer. The surgery had left me exhausted and still in a slight pain, but it was a relief from how I felt from before I went under the knife.

I sighed and dragged myself over to the couch. As soon as I got comfortable, my doorbell rang.

"Oh my god." I groaned and slowly made my way to the door. Expecting Rian or Cass to be checking on me, I was shocked to find Alex standing before me. "Alex?"

He nodded looking a little awkward. "Can I- can I come in?" He stuttered a little and I hesitantly nodded. What if he's here to yell at me? I guess I deserve it.

"So what's up?" I sat on the couch while Alex remained standing as his eyes darted around the room before training them on me.

"Not much." He told me before we plunged into another deep silence. "How are you?"

I couldn't help the attitude that fell from my mouth. "How the fuck do you think I've been?"

"Why are you snapping at me? You're the one who left, I should be yelling at you!" By the end of the sentence he was, in fact, yelling.

"You don't understand why I left!" I shouted before clamping my mouth shut.

Alex took a breath. "Why did you leave?" There was the question I didn't want to hear him say, but I knew it was coming.

"Nothing-it's nothing.." I sighed and listened as Alex started yelling again.

"No, I know it's not fucking nothing."

"Your right! It's not nothing. You know what else is not nothing? The overwhelming feeling I got whilst watching my boyfriend shove his tongue down my sisters throat as a got home from being gone for barely a week!" I shouted tears brimming my eyes.


I cut him off and continued my rant. "I wanted to die. I wanted to leave, and lucky for me not even 6 hours before my aunt had offered me a place to stay in Kentucky so I took the option! So if you're going to yell at me, you can oh so kindly go back to your hotel, better yet go back to Baltimore!" I was crying so hard my teeth hurt.

Alex pursed his lips. "Lisa knocked on my door the day you were do he saying she just wanted to talk. As soon as I got out there she kissed me. I pulled away as soon as could because of the tight grip she had on my face."

I sobbed into my hands not daring to look at him, but then I heard the door slam. I looked up to see he was gone.

My arms itched and I couldn't help my fingers rubbing against my palm. I couldn't stop myself from walking to the bathroom and grabbing a fresh shaving razor, then to the kitchen and grabbing a lighter. I melted a blade from the razor then washed it carefully before heading back to the bathroom.

My body was on auto-pilot as my hands dragged the blade across my skin. Over. And. Over. And. Over.

I had been clean since I left Baltimore, but that confrontation left me confused and feeling stupid-

"What the hell are you doing?!" I looked up to see Josh. He didn't look worried he looked... Mad?

"Josh I-"

"No, geez you really are fucked up in the head." He snapped.

"Where were you?" I croaked.

"With Maddie."

"All night?"

He laughed. "You really don't get it do you? I'm cheating on you." He said the last sentence like he was speaking to a five year old. "You stupid worthless piece of shit. Get out."

"But it's my house-"

"That I'm paying for. Get. Out." He cut off my protests. I picked myself up off the bathroom floor and ran to the bedroom grabbing the pet cages out of the closet and ushering Pippin and Lucifer into them. All I wanted was my animals, I could get some clothes at Cassadee's, but for tonight I'm staying at the Hilton with the money Samantha gave me for helping.

I sighed as I stepped out of the apartment. Asshole.


(A/N) hey guys, a lot of credit goes to Piercethefall who had all the ideas for this chapter and I just typed. Go give her a special thanks!

-xx Anna

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