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The night was young and filled with dark secrets

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The night was young and filled with dark secrets. Gotham never seized to surprise the young vigilante, but something was different this night. Crime was low and it was a first. She scrunched her nose in anger knowing someone else was doing her job for her.

She sat on top of a gargoyle statue on the highest building in Gotham. The wind blowing her hair out of her face and her cape drifting like she was an exact replica as Batman, which she didn't like.

Her senses hiked up as she saw a figure running on top of a building next to Wayne Enterprises. She knew something wasn't right, her hood stayed on in the strong winds and wrapped her crossbow on her back with the arrows.

She jumped off the statue and put her hands by her side with palms facing downwards and a burst of black magic helped her keep up. She flew towards the running figure and landed infornt of it.

He stopped at the random person landing in front of him and checked her out.

"Why you running on rooftops?" She asked him standing fiercely and he chuckled.

"Mind your own business, sweetheart." He told her trying to walk around her, but suddenly stopped mid-way.

"You didn't answer my question, sweetheart." She said holding him in a grip with her manipulation powers.

"What do you want?" He asked roughly, as if he was being chocked. She chuckled and tapped on his helmet.

"I wanna know who you are." She said slowly reaching for her crossbow when he laughed, or at least he tried to laugh with a death grip on his throat.

"You have to let me go if you wanna know."

The clouds began to speak and slowly began to cry. You can hear the police sirens around the city and the bat signal high in the sky. The rain drops slowly hit his helmet and she let go of him, still with her hands on her crossbow.

"You've lost your touch, Angel." The way he said it brought back memories from back in the day, where she was a protégé.

She was too distracted when he threw a smoke grenade. She quickly tightened her mask around her mouth not wanting to suck in the air.

As the smoke cleared he was gone. She knew him. It was impossible. He was suppose to be dead. Isn't he?

She pulled out her rusty old phone and dialed the one number that was on the phone.

"What is it?"

"What did you do?" She spoke through the phone looking over the rooftop searching any sign of him.

"He came into contact with you?"

"I saw him and knew something was up, so I'll ask again. What did you do?" She spoke harshly into the phone.

"Head to the bat cave. We'll discuss it there." She hung up the phone and sighed.

He's supposed to be dead, right?

author's note: my smol bean deserves better. hope your enjoying this so far. And the picture is how I see her outfit.
Stay beautiful and healthy lovelies!

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