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"What the fuck Bruce?!" I yelled as I followed him into the Wayne Manor. I had blown up in his face as soon as I spotted him on the rooftop of the Manor. Which in fact he was just standing there probably waiting for me, with his goddamm cape blowing in the wind like usually.

"What did he tell you?" Bruce walked across the room before opening the bookcase and nodding his head towards. I sighed and angrily, like a child, stomped my feet and crossed my arms, planting my feet not moving.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me who the hell did that?" I angrily stared him down. My magic danced around my body with all the anger and confusion, but it slowly went away when I noticed Bruce's face.

He wore a tired and worried face. I looked at him carefully until I finally pieced them together.

"You don't know, do you?" He only looked up at stared me in my eyes with hurt and anger. Just like how he did when he lost him those many years ago.

"I don't know yet. I've only had a few encounters with him, not many words. All I know is that he must be put to a stop." He rubbed his eyes with his gloved hands and slumped his shoulders.

I walked over and placed my hand on his shoulder immediately relaxing. After spending 21 years with the man who raised her, she knew how he was. And knows how his mind works, she's the second person to know him better than she knows herself.

He's the one who helped her control her magic when it became too much and was there for her when she came home with bloodshot eyes and muddy clothes. She can remember the day just like it was yesterday.

She couldn't understand why they were so mean to her. She knew she was different from the start when she can make people do what she wanted them to do, and manipulate them. But she knew it was wrong to do it, so she put her magic away.

She had tried to talk to the other kids around her on the first day of middle school during lunch, but they just looked at her weird. As if she were some alien that came from outer space. And they led her outside next to the muddy grass where it just rained not even 10 minutes ago.

She didn't know why she listened to them. She just wanted friends, so when she noticed what was gonna happen next, threw a speck of black dust toward one of the kids.

Next thing you know he was running around like a chicken with its head cut off saying "A monster is chasing me!"

She had accidentally put the image of his worst nightmare into his head, the others around her noticed what she did and started calling her names.

cold eyes [ jason todd ]Where stories live. Discover now