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A change was before my eyes. The boy I grew up with has changed before my eyes and I've come to the realization that he won't come back.

He grew. In many ways than one. His attitude became charismatic with a hint of cheeky. I don't know this Jason Todd. The Jason Todd I knew liked to eat ice cream and play jokes on Alfred.

And it felt odd.

The change of another person who you knew for so long doesn't feel right. And it's driving me crazy.

My stitching is still sore and bruised. Putting on pants seemed like an impossible task when you can't even bend to pick them up over your legs. So I decided to just walk around half naked.

Luckily I chose the red this morning. I sat in the same spot Jason left me a couple of hours ago not getting a wink of sleep because of him. He was only 2 feet away from me, but it felt like miles.

If only we could change the past. That would make everything right again. I looked around the table for a remote control to turn on the tv, until I felt the couch and found it in between the cushions.

Of course, he would have it there. He loves hiding things.

"Vicki Vale here at the Gotham City Police Station. And here with me tonight Commissioner Gordon. Commissioner, there had been reports about several attacks on the Gotham City Banks, anything you would like to say about that?"

"Well, we can't give out too much information about this investigation, but leads are looking for a masked man that goes by the name of Black--"

"You know they say TV rots your brain." My eyes snapped up to Jason standing in the hallway giving me a goddamn heart attack.

"Yeah well, then my brain must be fried. And can you not sneak up on me like that, you almost stopped my heart." I threw the remote on the table stretching my arms over my head.

"My heart stopped once so I know how that feels." Those dark heavy eyes followed every movement I made in those few seconds.

He cleared his throat, drifting his eyes to look anywhere else besides the beauty sitting on his stolen couch half naked.

Her heavy head fell backward sighing deeply, looking at Jason from an awkward angle. She spread her toes feeling the well-needed stretch course through her nerves.

Angel was still looking at Jason until she turned her eyes back to the ceiling, "Can I ask you something?"

Jason nodded, knowing she wouldn't see he grunted in response.

"When you died, did you feel pain?" Jason stood unresponsive for a couple of seconds before walking to the other side of the couch and sat with his forearms on his knees.

"I didn't feel pain, no, but I felt something else. I felt anger and betrayal. And it's not true when they say you see your life flash before your eyes, because for me I didn't see shit. All I saw was black, no light, no memories, nothing. When I knew Brue or you weren't coming, I accepted death. I felt as if I deserved it for all the wrong things that happened in my life. It only hurts if you let it hurt you."

Jason heard a sniff and looked at Angel tears that began to fall. He leaned over until he was knee to knee with her.

"Why are you crying?" Jason asked wiping her tears from her silky skin.

"Cause you're so fucking depressing." They both chuckled. "But really it's cause I want you to be you again. I know you probably won't forgive me for leaving you. I just want us to be like how we were before, even better than before, Jason you've always been my moon and stars. And you goddamn know how much I love space."

Angel turned her head towards Jason, just millimeters apart from each other, feeling like light years away. Jason reached out grabbing the back of her head, tangling his fingers between the strands of her dark hair.

Pressing their foreheads together, lightly whispered, "Of course my Angel." And in the pale moonlight, the duo held smiles that they've only shown each other.


The two ended up falling asleep on the couch together with her leg on top of his and his arms around her. A position they would be in after a long night of patrol.

But now, it's more intimate. They feel connected, as they did once back in the gold days. And when they woke the next morning Angel woke on the ground with a bruise forming already on her arm from being pushed off the couch.

When she looked at his position, his arms and legs were spread all over the couch and his drool began to form on the corners of his lips.

How cute, was her first though. Angel then got up from the floor and into the kitchen. Trying to make some coffee, keyword trying.

She tried banging on the coffee machine but only came to the conclusion it was completely broken and it did not like her.

So she just decided to ransack his fridge and found an unopened carton of iced coffee.

She poured herself and Jason some into two different mugs. Which were both Superman mugs, which she hated.

She walked over back to the couch and sat on the side of Jason's legs and turned on the TV, loud enough so she can try and wake Jason up. Which does work, a few hours later their both still on the couch.

The cold coffee stayed on the table in front of them as they tried to warm up by embracing each other with body heat.

The heater didn't work and Gotham's cold eat night was upon them. Jason gathered all the blankets he picks and covered them both. Entangled between legs, arms, and blankets.

With the TV on in the back round, all you heard was the laughter of old friends catching up. With gleam and sparkle in the duo's eyes, an unspoken emotion was encircling the atmosphere, love.

Author's Note
wow, this was so bad. okay, I'm trying to improve my writing skills so I wanna write more and I'm gonna write more, but I seem to only have inspiration at 1 am, but that's okay. I know it's been a while but honestly, I'm gonna update this frequently, I love all the love you guys are giving this book! this is honestly for you guys and I wouldn't be so comfortable if you guys didn't write such nice things and accepted my writing and imaginary storytelling.

goodbye, I'll see you all very soon, stay kind and beautiful!


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