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"So, you figured it out did you?" I asked Batman as we stared down each other in the middle of the roof of ACE Chemicals. Already knowing coming back to this place brings back the bad memories of a certain person.

"I took a sample of his blood when we fought and matched it with Jason's. It was a match." Batman said coldly as he stood with his arms crossed over his chest.

The sky crackled open I noticed a figure, a very small figure coming towards the two of us. And I will warn you now, Superman and I are not on very good terms, to say the least, so I hope to god it's not Superman.

But sadly, my prayers were not answered that day. As he came closer to us my body suddenly filled with rage and I let Bruce know this by glaring.

"You don't have to do that behind my back. I already know what your gonna say, so just say it." Bruce stood still as a pole would.

"I don't like him." Just as I finished my comment the alien himself landed in between the two making the ground rattle with his landing.

He wore an amused smile as he looked at the two before speaking, "What was that?"

"I don't like you," I said with my arms crossed in front of me.

"Well, Superman decided it would be good for the two of you to talk with the recent living dead." Superman smiled with that smug smile he always wore.

"Does it look li--" As I tried to tell Bruce, but when I looked behind Superman he wasn't there. He played me into his trick.

"I hate it when he does that." I murmured, but with Superman's hearing, he understood.

"Me too. I'm used to it now."

I glared now as he walked an inch closer, but pushed him back roughly with my energy. But like always he doesn't move. God damn man of steel.

"What do you want exactly, Clark?" I asked slyly walking around the rooftop looking anywhere but his dumb sexy face.

"Batman was telling me of your recent friend that came back to life. And he asked if I could check up on you. And I said yes."

"Of course you did. 'Cause your School Boy Clark who just loves everybody." I exaggerated and threw my hands in the air to make my point.

"If you need anyone to talk to--"

"I don't need a psychologist! I just want to be left alone now!" My hands grew a dark mist around them as my anger was getting to me. Have I said that I have anger issues?

cold eyes [ jason todd ]Where stories live. Discover now