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The nights became more lively for the two. Jason didn't have those terrifying dreams he would have every night. The resurrection of his soul and mind didn't haunt him anymore.

That horrible psychopathic laugh didn't invade his mind for hours in a day. Because when he would wake up in the middle of the night he had her smooth skin next to his ragged and damaged one, it made him calm and relaxed to have her by his side again.

Angel loved having the feel of his skin beside hers. His intoxicating scent put her to sleep in seconds then it would before when she would dream in her empty bed. The days became shorter as they spent their days indoors.

No patrolling, no killing, just their two spirits combining into one.

But the unforgivable days are upon them. They would have to go back to the real world, just hours before the day is gone. War was upon them. Jason was to make sure Angel couldn't get in the way. Even if it would break his heart. 

The duo continued their daily rituals every morning and night. Making breakfast, sitting on the couch waiting for the next overdramatized soap opera, then eat some more, nap more, and finally get ready for bed. But on one evening Angel decided to mix things up.

"I want to do something with you." She declared with her hands crossed at her chest and blocking the view of the t.v. from Jason as he opened another beer.

His eyebrows pulled together in confusion, "Angel, I do everything with you. What else do you have in mind?" He took a gulp of his beer.

"I wanna make out." Beer spat out of Jason's mouth and onto the armrest of the couch as he swung his head quickly, so he didn't spit his drink at Angel.  

She smiled at his reaction, hoping to get a rise out of him, but received a very different approach. He got to his feet, took about four steps, just enough to be right in front of her with his chest touching her crossed arms and leaned in. His breath was heavy on Angel's mouth, licking his lips in anticipation and anxiousness.

"You could have told me this a week ago and I would have run away or yelled at you. But right now, at this moment--I want nothing but you in my arms feeling every inch of your body." He said so low and husky, she can barely recognize his voice. His breath smelled like alcohol and chips, but she wouldn't have it another way.

He wanted her and she wanted him. After years of separation and loneliness filled their heart, it all came apart when the pair touched lips. The new and soft sensation of this delicate touch of the lips cascaded a million different emotions.

The speed of their lips sped up with the intensity of their breaths and hands moving to new places that were forbidden before. And they backed into the wall of the apartment, it was enough for them to break from their lust. Heavy breaths and background noise from the TV is the only sound.

Their foreheads leaned on each other and they began to breathe normally. Hands were placed back to their sides and the frustration between grew stronger.

Jason reached up to Angel's now messy hair and moved a piece of hair out of her face to see her eyes. His heart fluttered at the sight of his partner, lips swollen and red, face flushed, eyes that almost look animalistic. 

This was the first time he had ever seen her like this, so vulnerable and needy. And he liked it, he liked it so much that he had burned the image into his mind.

"I think, we should do that again," Angel whispered ever so slightly Jason barely caught it. Her hands came up to his face, landing on his cheeks and dragged her finger over his swollen lips ever so slightly. And she smiled, a kind of smile that was so beautiful and pure that Jason, too, with teeth and everything, smiled back. 

"Yeah, I think so too." He murmured into her lips. 

The two moved from the wall to the couch and stayed in each others warmth filled lips until they fell asleep. 


a/n: HELLO EVERYBODY! It's been way too long since I updated this book, but it is going to an end because I have more ideas and knowledge. As you can tell from the last scene I really did reflect on my writing and found my weakness and strongness( i know that doesn't make sense) but it only going to be ten chapters because it is a short story. But thank you to all that read this and continue to support me! I will try to update this every day for the end.

Love and kisses, 


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