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Her hand slowly moved around in reach grasping what has underneath. It felt like silk sheets of a warm bed. Her fingertips danced around the soft material, then she clenched a handful of the material as she felt an immense pain on her stomach.

Tears began to surround the corner of her eye. In the pit of her stomach, she had an urge to let go. In any way to have the pain disappear from her body. So she did the only thing she could think of, she screamed.

A blood-curling scream sent chills down Jason's back as he was washing away the day in his small little bathroom that his knees kept hitting the cold tile wall in front of him.

The hair's on the back of his neck stood up as he thought the worst thing could have happened to Angel. His Angel. No. Just someone he felt bad for.

Even within himself, he knows he's lying. He's lying to himself to keep her out of his corrupted and damaged life.

He quickly shut the water off, grabbed the closest towel and ran out of the bathroom. Letting the steam of his hot shower escape the confined bathroom.

He left droplets of water from his body on the wood floor, taking a mental note to clean it up later. He was careful not to slip from his wet feet touching the cold wooden floor.

His grip tightened around the towel on his waist when he heard her scream again, but this time it was more of a whimper. As if she is wanting to be put out of her misery.

Jason finally entered his room the dark shadows casting over his queen sized bed making her disappear from sight. He went over to the side of the bed turning on the only source of light which is a lamp with no shade. Making the room brighten with only one light.

There were bowls with used bandages soaked with blood. Scissors and stitching material right next to the bowls. They all sat on top of the nightstand next to the lamp.

Angel let out a more hushed yell than the first one, it seemed she was drained from the loss of blood and the energy of screaming so loud. Thank goodness the neighbors didn't hear, then Jason would have gotten evicted as fast as you could say butterscotch.

She was spread in the middle of the bed with the covers draped above her. Her face held a discomfort and painful expression as she keeps mumbling something incoherent.

He kneeled at the side of the bed lifting the covers up to check her stomach. The stitching was open covering the new bandages with a deep wine color.

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