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Before they knew it, daylight broke.

The what-if's of the night before has sprung their way into the next day. The friend's action of the night before has altered their affections towards one another. But they keep it to themselves. Angel woke the next morning to a silenced and cold apartment. The body that kept her warm all night suddenly disappeared.

The sheets were ravished as if he woke up startled and ran out of the room; emptiness filling the void of her heart. Only possibilities wandered around in her head, into a loud BANG snapped Angel out of her confused thoughts. She can hear steps and shuffling as if he was looking for something rapidly. Her side was healing well over the course of her stay in the Jason apartment and she can fully stand without feeling the pain in her stomach.

As she walked out of the bedroom and into the hallway she can see Jason throwing the couch cushions onto the floor and ravaging around. He's tense and his face holds a tight lip and furrowed brows. Angel springs into action and sprints in front of Jason.

"Hey, hey, Jason. What's the matter?" She talks softly and reaches to touch his face and smooth out all of the wrinkles in his brows. But he's quick and strong and grabs a hold of her wrists before she can touch any part of him.

"Don't touch me," Jason whispered harshly ripping Angel hand's away from him like it was coming into contact with a disease. Jason breathed heavy like he couldn't breathe properly. He was suffocating. He needed out, away from Angel, away from his home. He needed to breathe. Jason went to grab his jacket off of the coat rack and quickly slipped on his shoes heading for the window in the living room that leads to the fire escape.

"Where are you going? Jason? Jay!" She screamed trying to get his attention. Just seeing him walk towards the window and into the night made her think if she did something wrong. She reached out as fast as she could, but Jason was quicker on his feet and avoided her grasp.

Angel stood in the middle of the cold and dark room, the only light illuminating from the bright lunar moon seeping through the window. She stood there in Jason's shirt, arms crossed against herself, and tears dripping down.

Jason opened the window one leg out and one still inside and turned to face Angel with his last words, "Don't wait for me." And with a red flash, he was gone. And once again she was left to fill the void only he can fill.


"Wait, so you're telling me, your dead best friend, Jason, came back from the dead, tried to kill Bruce, then helped you when you were struck with Scarecrow's toxin, played hookey for a couple of weeks and then just left out of the blue? Just like that?" Oliver spoke while sitting next to Angel at Gotham's Most Fabulous Pizzeria. They were 4 pints of beer and 3 large pizza's in, not planning on leaving for a while.

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