Man From My Dreams

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" truth is never as painful as discovering a lie"

Rosetta king

" mom do you think i could have a pink Wolfie?" The girl that sat in the back seat, i knew who this girl was but i haven't seen her in so long she was almost unrecognizable. she looked so happy and carefree,nothing of the girl that she grew into. her sandy brown hair flowed freely as she talked and laughed with her parents. she played with the pendent that hung around her neck, i looked at the pendent closely remembering when the pendent was given to me, i reached up to my neck, only it wasn't their anymore.

" Rosie, are you OK, I've been talking to you for the last ten minutes." my day dream ended when Elliot started to shake me and calling my name. i felt the tears that threatened to fall. i haven't thought about my parent in so long it hurt to even remember the time when things wasn't so complicated, when we were all still together. its been months since I've thought about anything other then the girls or work. Lately I've been having all these dreams of my pass when my mother was still around laughing and being the care free woman that she was, dreaming of a time that i still had my father here to support me in everything i did, where i could see his smiling face and hear his soothing voice. a time when we were whole as a family, i miss seeing him play with the mole on the right side of his face that he always claimed he hated. i reached up to where I seen the pendent in my dream i remember i use to wear it all the time.

" El' remember the pendent i use to always wear when we was younger?"

" umm you mean the one you made me swear to never give back to you?" surprised by his responds i looked up at him shocked and beyond pissed angry just filled me.

" why in the world would i do that, i loved that pendent it meant everything to me, why on earth would i give it to you " the tears that i kept from falling now flowed freely, i started to have a hard time breathing, i tried grabbed my chest as the pain became unbearable.

" rose whats wrong?" Elliot jumped up from his seat as my body fell to the floor. " someone call the ambulance " the people in the small coffee shop we were in start to surround us as Elliot yelled for people to do things, he was brain surgeon but he still had the basic medical training we all got. it didn't take long for the voices and the pain to all start to fade, in this insist i welcome the darkness to come. not long after the darkness came i see a white light in the distance, my first insist was to turn the other way and act as if i didn't see the light at all.

"Rose" the sound of my mothers voice is what made me turn around without a second thought. its been so long of me not hearing the beautiful sound i wanted nothing more then to hear more of it. as the light in the distance faded so did the sound of my mothers voice .

"Mom?" i wasn't sure where i was exactly but i knew that i heard her voice there was no mistakes about it. i took off running in the direction of the fading light but the closer i got to the light the farther it faded yet i still continued to chase after it. not many people would understand why i was chasing a voice that i knew wasn't really there but then there as people that would under stand completely . i grew more and more tired as i push forward one minute the light was there but when i looked again it was gone i was back in the darkness and my hope that i would see my mother again faded right along with that light. i dropped to the floor no longer having the strength to do anything. i honestly didn't know what i was fighting for anymore everything that i loved was slipping away little by little.

Elliot Smith

i sat in the chair next to rose's bed,the same chair that i had been in everyday for the last eight days and still there was no change in rose condition. Within the last three days I've given her five MRIs and there haven't been any changes, there's only so far my knowledge goes. The sound of Rosie's door opening I took my eyes away from her sleeping face, to see who came in.

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