Coming Clean

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"Maybe coming clean is the ultimate selfish act a way to absolve yourself by hurting someone who doesn't deserve to be hurt"

If you asked Jordan honestly why he was still following Rosetta king he couldn't honestly tell you, but something was drawing him to her no matter where she was. He followed just watching her. He's never seen someone so sad in all it was hard to see her this way. The first time he had met her; he knew that there was something there. After he had left the office that day, he found himself thinking about her smile. The way she catered to her twin sisters, she hung on to every word they said. you could tell they meant everything to her. A couple of times during that dinner he would snick glances at her while she wasnt looking. The first time he really looked at her was when he was standing there by the door way, before she knew of his presence. Standing there looking at her he seen the illusion she kept up; come down. She was broken and hurt, someone had hurt her and bad. I don't mean like someone tore your favorite shirt, or even you got lied to. Okay maybe lied to would be a part of it but you get what I mean. He was always good at reading people but as he was in limbo he could all the better. Rosetta literally had a little dark clouds over her head. Another time during that night when he really looked at her was after he finally sat down on the side of Elena. Katrina and Rosetta sit across from them.

Katrina was going on about her classes, along with Elena. Her face expression change for a split second, at best guess it would be sadness. The longer he looked at her the more it changed. Have you ever seen one of those little 15 second songs or videos, that's kind of how her emotions played on her face. It went from happy to sad to hurt to betrayed to angry then back to happy again before the girls could even notice her chance in moods she was back into the conversation like nothing had happened.

He knew what he was doing was wrong, he was invading her personal business without her permission. Lately he had become very fond of her. He found himself wanting to know more about her. He wanted to know what she loved, what makes her smile, makes her laugh. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her.

He followed her out of her office and onto the elevator. She was uneasy, fidgeting with her fingers. She wasn't ready to tell anyone what had been happening to her mostly not her best friend. When the elevators doors opened, she debated whether or not to get off or go back upstairs. When she sees joey walking through the doors she decides that it's now or never. Gracefully she walks to the table she witness joey walk to and take a seat. "bonjour l'amour je vous ai manqué" ( hello love you missed me) rosetta says to joey as she takes the seat across from her . " allez-vous me dire ce qui est arrive ou ce qu'on va asseoir et etre tout doucereuse aux yeux du pubic" ( are you going to tell me what happened or we gonna sit around and be all lovey dovey in the public eye). Joey says to her best friend when she takes her seat across from her.

Jordan stands next to the table where joey and Rosetta are now sitting. he watched as the mini movies of emotions flashed across rosetta face, for the second time since he have known her.

It wasn't easy for Rosetta to sit and tell someone all the secrets she have kept all to herself. She opened her mouth but only to shut it when no words can out. She tried again but no words came out. Why was it so hard for the words she desperately wanted to say. For so long she had been preparing herself for. She spend hours sometimes even days thinking of when the time came for her to tell her side of the story, all the things she would say. Now being the time she found it hard to even speak her name out loud; let alone tell someone who she cared so much for all the bad shit she had to endure in order for everyone else to be safe. For the twins to be safe, joey, joeana and her mom to be safe. Everything she had dealt with was to make sure they were all safe.

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