Not Very Friendly

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"the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary men alone are quite capable of every wickedness"

Nine months have pasted since me and Jordan's date at the lake house. Four months since my mother's death, We've been talking and hanging out a lot since then, Joey seems to be more excited about everything then i have to be honest. Last weekend Jordan invited me yet again to come to his club me being the scary person that i am i invited Joey,Elliot, Taylor to go with me in the end we all ended up having a great time Joey as well as Elliot approves of him and for that i was thankful. It would be a sad thing if in the end my friends didn't like the person i was dating. Joey and Elliot was the closet thing i had to older siblings although it was actually only Elliot who was older then me, joey had been through a lot and to me had an old soul so i often times got advice from her.

When 6 o'clock came i rushed into the locker room to change out of my hospital cloths and into my black bra, carefully putting on my red lace shirt making sure to go slow so i wouldn't put any holes in it, i put on a tight fitted black skirt tucking in the red lace. It took a little while for me to remove all of the bobby pins from my hair but once I did I ran my fingers through the curls just letting them fall which ever way. The alarm i set this morning for 630pm let me know i have 15 minutes before Jordan would be out front i checked my hair and touched up my makeup once more before i walked back over to my locker pulling out my red heels. I sled my foot in one after the other grabbing my clutch leaving out. Walking to the main entrance of the hospital i got all kind of looks and people whistling, half way down the hallway i see Elliot and Taylor talking when they notice that its me they both stop talking and begin to stare it made me feel uncomfortable wit them just staring like that.

"Why the hell are you guys just staring say something" when they continued staring and not saying anything i went to turn around walking away i didn't know what was wrong with them or if it was me and they didn't want to hurt my feelings in all it made me not as excited to go.

"Don't run away, you look wonderful my love" i jumped when i felt someone place there arms around my waist, only when i heard Jordan's voice did i relax into him. turning around i faced Jordan and looked him over, he wore a nice blue shirt that brought out his blue-green eyes along with tan slacks and black dress shoes.

Before I knew it jordan and I was in the car on our way to the restaurant. When we arrived jordan lead me directly inside after give his car keys to the young man who looked to only be in high school. The small hallway meeting the other door had weird lighting. Upon opening the red door the entire room brighten with different colored light their was so many people just sitting and having dinner. It surprised me that the mayor and His wife was actually here at this restaurant as well. Jordan continued to lead us farther into the restaurant pass all the people until we came faced with a black curtain, pass the curtain was a small table that sat surrounded by different sized and colored pillows.
Getting situated, Jordan looked between the different wine's along the wall. Finally picking one he filled two glasses passing one over to me. "How was work today?" Jordan asked sitting down at the table.

"Work was fine nothing to much out the norm, and you how was your day?"

"Interesting, I suppose Xiomara and Royce broke up again so they've been fighting for the last couple days?" Jordan smile to him self at the memory.

"So have they told you that they're dating yet,or are they still pretending to hate each other?" I questioned jordan while taking another sip of my wine.

"No their still pretending but at least Royce has grown the brain sells that my sister has taking from him it shouldn't be long now. Royce knows that I know about Xiomara and himself he just doesn't have the balls to tell me yet"

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