.Sweet Nothings ( Part One)

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness"


"Royce I want you to make sure everything is ready to go. Have everyone do a once over on everything, make sure its all done " I went over the last couple of things over with Royce about the charity carnival later in the day that me and a couple other bosses was having. while Xiomara sat in the chair going on and on about her not wanting to be here and that I was forcing her to do and be somewhere she didn't want to be. It wasn't a lie either. At 7am me and Royce went to her house and forced her out of bed, xiomara didn't like to show up for business events. With the war only a day away I didn't trust for her to be alone, I mean think about it I'm starting a war on someone; but I didn't want to kill him right away no I wanted him to suffer first, see I'm broke into his great grandmother's home someone he loves and idolize and i murder her without blinking an eye. From there on down the blood line even going as far as to killing his wife and kids to be sure that my point cane across clearly. Now it's over and he's been going around for weeks like a chicken without a head trying to find out who did this so I'm going to ease his mind and tell him why I did it. It his fault really we had an agreement and he went against that agreement so I made an example out of him if he's lucky I'll let him live to continue his suffering. Now who's to say someone's not planning to do the same to me and the ones I love, so the best thing to do is to keep us all together.

"Can you have your dog go fetch us something to eat, since I'm force here against my will"

"Why don't I force you to an early grave, I mean really don't you get tried of hearing yourself talk "

" why aren't you dead yet my brother should've been put a bullet in you. Maybe I'll just do it myself and save him the trouble" xiomara started to stand with her hand on her gun ready to shoot. Why the fuck they can't get the fuck along. I know being in this business you can't befriend everyone but damn.

"hadha yakfi ( that's enough) the both of you, I don't give a fuck if y'all kill each other when you not in this office but while your here shut the fuck up, xiomara your here because there's some things we need to talk about." The war was only a day away and I still haven't spoken to Xiomara about the while thing, not that it would really matter but I needed to keep it this way I needed her not to act differently in case someone was watching. But it was time that I told her.

"Oh you mean about you having dumb and his best friend dumber following me, or maybe the fact that your stalking a women and her family, never mind the face that you slaughtered and entire blood line all over something that your not even sure if its true, lets not forget that were suppose to be in this business together yet you allow your dog to give me orders."

"I'd rather Royce give you orders then you allowing some fucking idiot come and destroy everything I fucking worked for, I've been in this business along time you are not going to fuck that up for me. Really Jaxon out of all people,I mean the fucking ionary of it just prove how fucking slow you really are, you were going to let Jaxon fuck everything up. So yeah Royce will be giving you your orders until you can handle business" I never thought that xiomara would let someone so close, to where they knew her business her life. It was bad enough that were still looking for my mother but still no one really know who I was they might know of me or heard my name but they never saw my face. That's how it's always been I was already know to the world as a hotel,club and restaurant owner. The world don't need to be made aware of my other business, they know what I want them to know. Royce was the only one that knows who I am he's been my partner in crime since we were younger, before everything we were friends, we grew up together went to school together, it wasn't a secret that I trusted him with my life, I mean why wouldn't I. He gave me no reason as to why I shouldn't trust him or his judgement. But neither have Xiomara, she's never made a decision that cause either one of us any trouble. I didn't like Jaxon but that wasn't a secret either, I didn't like him for personal reasons it had nothing to do with Xiomara or the decisions she made and here I was taking it out on her. It wasn't her fault that Jaxon was hurting Rosetta for all I knew she didn't even know that it was happening, it did nothing for the feelings I had about it still that had nothing to do with Xiomara.

"It wasn't suppose to be like this, I was fine the way things were but then he came and fucked up everything honestly I never liked Jaxon from the time I seen what he did to Rosetta, it really had nothing to do with you but it did in a way. Believe it or not I was saving someone and getting reed of a pentional problem, really i was doing a public service by killing him. I saved us the trouble of killing him later when he actually would have needed to be dealt with."

"This is how you keep your business running, dear brother just killing off everyone that gets in your way?" Xiomara question made me smile,she's my sister but for her to think of me as some in human person that was just going around killing people, was quite funny it wasn't as if all the people I killed was for no reason, some yes but not all. I wasn't heartless but I wouldn't say I had much of a heart either.

"Dear sister I thought that you knew me better, I didn't start this war but I do intend to finish it, the killing is just a means to an end." It was true, no the killing wasn't necessary but it got the job done no less. It was also needed,a message was sent delivered and received my point was made. People shouldn't start a war they don't intend to do everything to win."


Joey wasn't kidding when she said we would spent the entire day out, she was at our door at 6am she got us all out of the bed and ready for the day. We went to IHOP for breakfast and later to the mall spent a good four to five hours at the mall going into every store even if we didn't buy anything after awhile the girls started to complain about being hungry. Once everyone was in the car we made it easily to McDonald's before going to our last stop of the day. Joey got free tickets for a charity carnival from her job that was just outside of town. The drive was only about 30 minutes but we knew the girls would start to complain. So it was best for all of us if we got on the road right away.

The girls were doing great so far. We got through the entire drive without any problems, still as we're standing in line at the ticket booth they are still doing good. The ticket booth went faster then any ticket booth I've every been in but I'm not complaining. Things were still going good as everyone was putting on their wristband walking through the entree gate. Everything got out of hand once we started to ask the girls what they wanted to do first. Joeana wanted to go on rides Elena wanted to go to get her face painted, while Katrina just wanted to walk around for a bit. Thought it best to just spilt up and meet up in an hour joey took Elena and Joeana while I took Katrina and started to walk around.

Time went by fast as me and Katrina walked around the carnival. Soon enough it was time to meet back up with joey and the girls. Katrina and I made it to the ferris wheel five minutes before it was time to meet with joey, Katrina became inpatient after a couple of minutes and begins to walk to the stage with two young men yelling.

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