Project ‘Avoid Cinder’ has gone flawlessly for the past two weeks, honestly only because he hasn’t been back to school in the last two weeks. That worried me, in the two days he’d been to school he’d seemed relatively excited to be there, why would he stop coming?
“What’s wrong Crispin?”
I turned in my seat to look at Kalea behind me.
“Nothing...I’ve just been wondering where Cinder went,”
Kalea raised her eyebrows,
“But you’re avoiding him, why would you want to look for him?” she questions her tone perking with curiosity.
“I was just wondering...I thought he liked this school and all of a sudden he stopped coming. Not like I was going to talk to him or anything,” I mumbled back to her. She chuckled to herself,
“Well I guess since you’re still going through with your crazy plan I can let you know that he’ll be back tomorrow,” she giggled. My body tensed and I felt my face grow red.
“How do you know?” I asked while trying to hide my blush.
“Easy, I tried texting you over the weekend and it just so happens that we rushed away so quickly that day that we never got your phone back from him,” she explained nonchalantly. As if she wasn’t telling me that the boy I was avoiding had possession of my cellphone.
“You talked to him?” was the only thing that burst through my lips.
“Correction, I texted him,” Kalea said with a smug smile. She threw her phone over my shoulder so I could see.
Kalea: Hey Crispin baby wazz up? ;)
Cinder: ummm...this is Cinder...I haven’t seen Crispin to give his phone back.
K: Ooooh i see you stealing phones from cute boys noww hmmm? lol
C:No i swear I didn’t steal it. I meant to give it back honestly I did.
K: Chill Cinder I was just joking with you. Promise. but what are you up to on this glorious saturday and why haven’t you been back to school? The asshole bullies too much for you?
C: i’m not doing much of anything right now. I...haven’t been feeling well so I couldn’t go to school. I wish I could though I miss it.
K: What’s to miss? It’s school
C:I miss you’s lonely here. Is Crispin mad at me though...I have a weird feeling he is.
K: Awwwww we miss you to hun. He’s not mad, embarrassed and nervous? yes. Mad? nah.
C: That’s good.
K: Who could ever be mad at you? You’re too damn cute to be mad at. :)
C: Thank you for the compliment. I am truly sorry about this cellphone mishap. I’ll be back Wednesday morning and will return the device then. For now I have to go because my dad needs something and I have to help.
I handed the phone back over my shoulder,
“That last text didn’t sound like him,” I muttered.
“How would you know? You’ve only spoken to him two days since we’ve met him,” Kalea curiously pondered.
“Did you notice more than one bruise the last time you saw him?” I asked. Kalea was silent, probably trying to remember.
“Maybe...I can’t be positive though...why? Are you having some kind of suspicious thoughts?” She questioned. The bell rang and everyone sprang to their feet. I threw my notebooks in my bag.
“I thought I saw a black eye when he walked up to the locker but I may have been imagining things,” I muttered. Kalea rolled her eyes,
“Are you going to rehearsal tomorrow?” she asked trying to change the subject.
“I have to don’t I? We still don’t have a Sally and I’m suppose to sing with some people and pick one,” I groaned.
“I wonder if Cinder can sing..” Kalea mused. I bopped her on the head feeling another blush creep up my neck. Cinder as Sally.
“Woman abuser!” Kalea shrieked. Breaking me from my thoughts as I ran to pursue her before she screamed to the world that I was a women abuser.
The next day I walked slowly to French my chest tight and palms slightly sweaty. This was the day, the first day I’d see him in the two weeks he’d been away with a mysterious illness. I approached the door and reached a shaky hand out to turn the knob and push the door open. I looked to Kalea and I’s seats. My phone was lying on my desk. I walked over and picked it up, inspecting the crack across the screen. I spun around to find him and finally set eyes on him huddled at a desk in the back corner of the room. His knees pulled up to his chest and gray hood pulled over his head, which was cradled in his arms resting on his knees. He was different. Lifeless. Not the Cinder who embarrassed himself and myself on his first day of school that’s for sure. I could see myself rushing over and scooping him into my arms like he was the only one in the world who mattered. I would kiss him and take away every fear he had. I can’t do that though because I’m avoiding him. I sat down hastily and thought for a moment i’d heard a quiet sob from Cinder but brushed it off as something, anything, else.It's's a chapter will be better...but at least this is an update:) I'm proud of that you guys should be too this story has 410 reads! That's so many more then i ever thought there would be hopefully you guys can support me with these stupid fillers until the real good stuff starts. :P :) O:)

Stealing Cinder (No Not Cinderella!) (BOYXBOY)
Teen FictionCinder is not sure what to believe in his life! His parents are not his real parents. How could they be? But when he meets a mysterious but somehow familiar boy the first day of school what's going to happen? (description I write don't do the story...