27. Ch-Ch-Changes

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Why is it that every time I go to Starbucks I get behind the group of teenagers who have no clue what they want, ask 30 million questions and then all order things that have 0 coffee in them. Go get your milkshakes at Dairy Queen!!! I left a giant international superstar alone in my bed and this girl needs coffee before she strangles everything that moves. Let's go people! I don't have time for your fucking indecision!

"Oh my God, are you Mitch Grassi?"

Shít. Of fücking course.

Well, it's not like I can deny it ... I'm wearing a shirt with Scott's fücking perfect face on the front. I give 0 fucks... I love this shirt. It's just one of the pieces of tour merch that Candice distressed just for me. Hey, if I'm putting this ɑss up for service, the least I can get in return (y'know... besides the perks of putting said ɑss up for service :-P) is some free merch. Besides, Scott LOVES when I wear it. He's a very possessive man and I am NOT sad about it.

You should have seen his face when I came out of the bathroom last night wearing only this shirt and smile.

Mmmhmmm. The best kind of memories.

Ok, back to the situation at hand.

So, yeah. I get that most of Scott's diehard fans know who I am, but it's the first time I've been out and about with the new blonde hair so I'm a little surprised I've been discovered so quickly.

I give a tight smile and a short nod, if it comes across as friendly then gold star for me. I'm really just hoping they'll hurry up and decide which cup of chocolate and sugar they want so I can get my coffee and get back to Scott before he gets bored and does... who knows what. 

"OH MY GOD! You look so gorgeous with the blonde hair!"

"Wait are you getting coffee for Scott?"

"Yeah." I know I should probably be MORE friendly and what not, but I haven't had my caffeine yet and Scott was up early and I still haven't packed (I've been a bit busy...) and... *sigh*

"O.M.G" yes she really said the letters out loud... kids are funny. Are teenagers considered kids? Nah... they're just preadults. Scary. "Can I get a selfie!?"

Fück fück fück. Alright be nice. I'm a nice person...I love Scott and these girls are his fans and I should support him like a good boyfriend.


I'm still getting used to that reality and that word.

I have a boyfriend.

I have a PERFECT boyfriend. SCOTT is my perfect boyfriend.

But these girls don't know that :-P.

Anyway, the selfie session goes rather quickly but the line is beginning to grow behind me and I can tell I'm not the only disgruntled patron. There has to be a way to speed this up.

There's another burst of chatter as they all start talking at once and firing questions at me (who the hell can understand 5 excited girls talking at once?!) until the cute barista, whose name is Reagan as I've discovered recently, makes eye contact with me and holds up 2 drinks already ready to go. I can tell by looking that it's my usual order and I could honestly kiss him.

"Sorry, ladies but I've got an appointment to keep. Hope to see you guys next tour!"

I hear them talking and I try to nod and acknowledge what I can as I move out of line to get my drinks and thank the cute barista, making a mental note to bring him concert tickets or something next time I come by. I'm balancing the drinks as I walk out the door but I can still hear the girls freaking out and I know at least one of them has pulled out her phone and is snapping pics. At least I took time to cover up those circles under my eyes.

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