28. Compromise

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((QUICK A/N - you may recognize something and details will be at the end.  Also IDK what this is - but here ya go?))


"What are you giggling at?" I drop my towel and pull on my boxers, raising a suspicious eyebrow at just how quickly he slams his laptop shut. Such a rookie move.

He's propped up on a mountain of pillows, white sheets and comforter pooled around his bare middle. His hair is still a little wet and I can't wait to run my fingers through it, but only after I find out what he's up to.

"Nothing." He's really, REALLY bad at lying and even worse at playing innocent, but he is ridiculously good at distracting me. I know he's rolling that bottom lip between his teeth on purpose and I narrow my eyes at him. He's underestimating how nosy I am.

"Scotttt..." I give him a knowing look before crawling into bed, forcefully nudging him over and squeezing myself under his arm and molding to his body as close as I can get. He smiles down at me and I wrap an arm around his waist, a content sigh escaping as a I relax down into my happy place. Heaven.

He chuckles a bit and I notice he's about to move his laptop to the nightstand but nope... try again, Gorgeous.  That laptop isn't going anywhere until I get to the bottom of this. (Hypocrite? Me? Look, we all have flaws) I reach out and grab his wrist and meet his eyes. "Babe... were you reading fic again?"

The blush that darkens his cheeks is beautiful and I wish my phone was nearby to take a picture. I'm still such a fangirl, but honestly can you blame me? Look at him!

"Not... exactly.."

"Ooookkk vague. So then what exactly were you doing then?" I run my fingers over his stomach and up to his chest, partially to keep him a bit flustered, but mostly because it's there and I can. 

;-P Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same.

"You'll laugh."

Well that piques my interest to near maximum level and I sit up a bit to look him in those gorgeously stupid blue eyes. "As long as it's not tentacle porn then I promise I won't judge." ... out loud.

"Or laugh."

I almost do just that when I take in the serious expression on his face, but I just press my lips together and smile. "I promise I won't laugh. Cross my heart."

It takes him a second, but he sighs and opens up the laptop and I shift to get a better look.

It's a familiar sight, a google document full of words, but it's not my document and those are definitely not my words. I sit all the way up and Scott moves with me, wrapping an arm around my waist and squeezing me closer. No matter how much time passes I don't know that i'll ever be used to those giant hands on my skin, but when I see both of our names scattered throughout those words on the screen, there is nothing on this EARTH that could distract me (not even those talented ginormo hands).

I let out a tiny gasp as realization hits me. 

"You were writing fic!" I turn to look at him and he's a mix of embarrassed and unsure and he quickly closes the laptop again. Seriously, though? I mean HELLO!? Remember me? The superfan? The thirsty queen of smut?! I am the LAST person to judge for writing fic. Still, it's kinda ironic but also strange and exciting... and damn I gotta read this. I don't even care if it's tentacle porn, I need this in my life.  I will sell my soul right this fucking second! SATAN LETS GO! I gotta deal to make!

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