Chapter 1

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The strong smell of freshly brewed coffee filled up the room, accompanied by a hint of sweet pastries ready to be put on display. You were working your late night shift at the Blacksmith coffee shop tonight. It was a slow night and you were wiping clean all the windows, every now and then pouring cups of black coffee to worn out business men and their newspapers. As you started spraying Windex on the next window, you heard the chime coming from the entrance. You put down the bottle of Windex along with the damp towel, and wiped your hands on your blue apron. You noticed the customer was leaning on the front counter, gazing at the menu. He was wearing a red hoodie with washed out jeans and a black snapback with the ends of his hair sticking out and curling upward. You make your way behind the counter with a smile and ask "Hi, what can i get for you today?" I asked. I instantly slightly blushed as I saw his face, he was really cute. Chubby cheeks, friendly eyes and his lips broke into a slight smile as he told me his order. "Uh, yeah let me get a medium, regular cup, oh and with extra sugar" he said, still gazing at the menu. I start punching the price into the cash register, "will that be it?". His eyes lock on mine for a few seconds until i look down and fiddle with a pen in my hands. "Yeah thats it, dont forget the extra sugar!" he says with a teasing tone. He then makes his way to a table in the corner, whipping out his phone and scrolling through it. He was very cute and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You were a sucker for these kinds of guys and you never understood why. You proceed to pour the fresh coffee into a mug and place several sugar packets and milk cups next to it on a tray for him. Before leaving to give him his coffee, you hesistate and quickly go back and add a few more packets of sugar. You make your way to him and place the tray down on his table as he looks up at you with a smile and says "Thank you! you remembered the extra sugar". You smiled back, "yeah how could i forget after such emphasis haha". You both smiled at eachother, and you quickly went to carry on with your window cleaning before your cheeks flushed in a rosy pink.

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