Chapter 7

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Friday finally rolled around as I were making myself some lunch. I scrolled through my twitter feed, filled with "dat boi o shit waddup" meme. You were laughing at all the different ways people incorporated the meme in until your phone began to ring. It was your manager calling you in to work your regular shift because your co worker ended up sick. You explained to him that you couldnt go, but he insisted. You heavily sighed and agreed to go, you couldnt afford to lose your job. I texted Calvin that I wouldnt be able to make it tonight. "im sorry, my stupid manager called last minute! 😪". "its okay Y/N", and with that the conversation ended. You felt suspicious.. he didnt complain about it. You brushed it off and thought that he was probably working on that webcam video he mentioned a week ago.
You set foot into the coffee shop with a heavy, lazy feeling. You did your usual cleaning and had a 20 minute confrontation with your boss about calling earlier next time he needs a fill on. You began to get frustrated with work as you dealt with cranky old ladies fighting you over Splenda sugar vs. Sweet N Low. I rolled my eyes as i turned my back towards them to attend to other customers.
Finally break time came around. You were exhausted even though it wasnt that busy. You poured yourself some coffee and grabbed a slide of chocolate cake and made your way to the break room. I started looking for some napkins in the cabinets when i felt a tug on my shirt. I hit my knee against the lower cabinet knob as i turned around to see Calvin giggling away. "Ow! why do you keep doing this?" i say as i quickly massage my knee. "cuz its funny seeing you get scared!... im sorry" Calvin says, his apology sounding sincere. "again pinecone, im at work, be on your way before my manager finds out" i say as i finally find the napkins on the top cabinet. I feel Calvin pinch my shirt and pull me closer to him. What was he doing? Is he drunk? No, he doesnt drink... i think. "You cant cancel plans on me just like that..." he says in a whispering tone as he stares down at me.

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