Chapter 3

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You wake up in the morning to your phone buzzing on your night stand. You reach out your hand as your fingers dance around until they hit the snooze button. Its Friday,you have the day off at work and no classes until Monday. You rub your eyes and unlock your phone to see a message from... Calvin. A smile breaks onto your lips as you read the text, "Hey Y/N! just wondering if you could hang out today?"
"sounds good! where? 🤔"
"my place?...o-or your place if you want"
"your place sounds good" you text back as you're filled with excitement. You quickly start shuffling through your closet trying to pick out what to wear. Light blue jeans and a white V-neck is your final choice, you leave them on your bed and hop into the shower.
adter combing and drying your hair,  you unplug your phone from the charger, grab your keys and make your way to Calvins house. You cant help but feel your stomach in a knot but you calmed yourself down by listening to the radio gossip. After finally arriving, you make your way to his front door and raise your fist to knock. You hear a safety chain followed by Calvins face. His chubby cheeks raised into a smile "hey Y/N!" he says as he opens the door more to let you come in. "Hi! nice place" You notice empty coffee cups and energy drinks placed all over. "very clean" you say with a giggle. "hey, dont judge! i might need those in the future, you never know" he says, very sure of himself. You sit on the couch and fiddle with your fingers to help calm your nerves. Calvin hands you a Rockstar energy drink and says "come on, lets go to my room and play some video games." As you walk into his room you gaze around noticing his bed was unmade, relatable since you never made your bed either. Why do it if you're just going to sleep on it again? You also notice a guitar case, followed by his Playstation, which Calvin was turning on. "Are you working later?" Calvin says while turning on the TV. "No, i have the day off today" you say, feeling thankful that you were free all day to spend it with him.
You weren't the best at video games but you were decent, Calvin gave you a few pointers and teased you about it. The two of you played all night, ordered pizza and yelled in defeat when you lost. Calvin liked to call you out on "cheating" when you beat him fair and square. "I DID NOT cheat okay? you just suck" you say with a smirk on your face. "nahh you totally cheated " he says with a smile, not taking his eyes off the screen. The two of you hung out more often, and with time you started being more open with him, and vice versa. Eventually the two of you were inseparable, on your days off you'd spend all day with him and Calvin would sometimes show up on your door by surprise. You found out about Calvin's youtube channel & fan base which gave you the perfect excuse to tease him.

"hey pinecone! where's that new video?" you say, as you keep refreshing the youtube app on your phone.

"do you have to call me that?.. and its rendering!" he says and follows it by gently whispering in your ear "first like gets a follow/killed by bleach..." he says with a smirk on his face as he turns back to his computer. Chills run down your spine and goosebumps appear on yours arms. You rub them quickly to avoid having Calvin notice. You can feel your cheeks blushing, the whisper had you melted. His whisperings were starting to become more common but you couldn't blame him. You always poked his tummy any chance you could and he always complained about it, trying to hide the smile on his face. He was adorable. "where are those abs, calvin?" you say giving him a last poke. "they've been murdered by your finger!" he says, grabbing my arm to avoid having me poke him again. You giggled as you made your way back to his bed and kept refreshing the youtube app as Calvin made a quick Snapchat.

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