Chapter 2

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Tonight was the same as all past nights. You were cleaning up and it was lonely except for the cute guy sitting in the same spot since he first came in. You felt the urge to speak to him but you were just too shy. Instead you decided to put on some music so it wouldnt be so quiet. You put it in at half the volume, enough for you to hear it but not disturb anybody. You played "My Heart" on your phone constantly since you were currently obsessed with this song.
"So you like Different Heaven too?" you heard a voice directed at you. You turned around and saw the cute guy looking at you waiting for an answer with a smirk on his face. "Y-Yeah, Ive been putting this song on replay for the past week" I said, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. "You have good taste then, I listen to that song all the time" You make your way to his table and sit down, feeling unusually confident. "Well, i could use some different song suggestions before i get sick of this one" I said with a slight giggle. He smirked once again while looking at you, and shuffled through his phone. He started playing different songs and you talked to eachother for a good 2 hours. You exchanged numbers and names before he left. "Okay Y/N, ill text you tomorrow?" he stated, while calling your phone to make sure he had the right number. "Yeah! for sure" you say, glancing at your phone and seeing Calvins number on it. "Im declining you..." you say with a smirk. "Ohhh so its like that? I see how it is" he says with a laugh. We wave goodbye to eachother and you're left with a big smile on your face. Youve exchanged numbers with a really cute guy with great music taste! How could it get better than this? You do a quick clean up at the coffee shop before closing down.
You walk into your dorm and throw your keys onto the table. You fall onto your bed but have trouble sleeping as you keep replaying what just happened in your head over and over with a big smile on your face as you hug a pillow.

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