Chapter 4

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Its been a week since you last saw Calvin. Finals week was giving you the biggest slap in the face with studying for endless hours. Thankfully you only had 2 more finals today and then you were free. You had the whole week off from work to focus on your studying, so you decided to text Calvin to see if he was free.
"Hey stranger! are you free later? i could use a break from all the studying that ive been doing"
"yeah, come over! we can play games or watch a movie and order pizza"
"okay 😊 see you later!"
As usual, a dorky smile broke onto your lips as you stared at your phone. Your feelings towards Calvin were growing stronger, but you tried to ignore them. What if he didnt feel the same? You erased the thought from your mind and continued to take your finals.
After your last class, you raced to your car and sighed in relief as you left the campus parking lot. You smiled the whole ride home, you can have a life again and do all the things you never had time for. After taking a relaxing bath, you were to go to Calvins house. You didnt feel like wearing jeans, so you slipped on your favorite pink Adidas running shorts with a 'Vibe with Me' shirt.
"uGHHHH, i give up!" says Calvin, as he throws himself on the bed in defeat. "cant beat my skills!" i say as i take a bite from the last slice of pizza. "can we do something else?" Calvin says as he tugs my shirt like a child. "why? im having a GREAT time" i say sarcastically with a smile. He grabs the pizza slice from my hand and continues "lets watch a movie, yeah? or binge watch a tv series? my hands hurt from holding the controller too hard to keep you from winning". Calvin began shuffling through Netflix until i saw The Walking Dead seasons available. "OMG can we watch The Walking Dead?! its really good, you wont regret!" You clasp your hands in a "please" form. "dont they just kill zombies over and over?" "okay um no! its survival dude! get your facts straight" you say with a smile. He lets out a wheeze followed by a giggle and says "okay lets watch it". He puts the episode on pause until i finish making the popcorn. You each lay on his bed, side by side, sharing the popcorn and drinking Rockstar. You watch 3 full seasons until you both start to feel sleepy. Youre the first one to fall asleep, not noticing your pillow was Calvins shoulder. You feel him trying not to move too much or make much noise as he turns off the TV and his bedside lamp.

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