29. Faith

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A letter from my sister arrives at autumn's golden zenith, when the forest is nature's own Erebor, capable of stopping even the most hardened dwarf lord in his tracks. Faeleth writes of the little one, and how she has hosted Legolas and his company during their long stay.

With all my heart I wish I could be there for your Aur en-Onnad, but alas – the roads in Mirkwood are far too dangerous to bring a child. How long shall it be before I see you and Ada again? I often wonder if we will only meet again in the Undying Lands...

I fold the parchment and place it on the table, my heart heavier than my father's tomes. Perhaps I could find a way to travel, even if it meant hiring someone to accompany me on the dangerous forest road.

"Do you know of anyone?" I ask Ada. "If not for fear of my demise, I would leave without delay."

He chuckles, a sound as warm as the newly-lit fire. For the briefest moment I imagine Thranduil's deeper laughter joining his. But his empty chair serves as a stark reminder of his absence. It is the second dinner he has missed. This time there was no excuse given.

"Even if you were as skilled as Lady Tauriel, I would not advise traveling unaccompanied. Nor would I trust a lone companion to guard you against the evils of the land."

"Then when shall I see Faeleth and my nephew? When the King decides to send his entire army to Imladris?"

"Or when Thranduil himself plans a visit," he says. "He is the most capable warrior we have."

I lean forward, my hands on my knees. "Yet I cannot remember when last he traveled farther than the Lonely Mountain."

"It has been a long time, yes."

The fire pops and crackles, its flickering light creating dancing shadows on my father's walls. I take a sip from my glass of cider, the golden liquid crisp and bitter on my tongue. I have always preferred the sweeter varieties.

"I should have accompanied Legolas on his journey. If I wait for Thranduil, I likely shall never see Imladris again."

And it is true. It is becoming doubtful he will ever speak to me again, much less allow me to accompany him on a journey, if by rare chance he decides to visit. Things are different between us now, after all...

Ada steeples his hands under his chin. "He has isolated himself from the world. Though he will never admit it, I believe he has done so out of fear. Our friend has lost much."

"I know."

"His father, his wife, his soldiers, his friends..." His expression turns grim. "We are diminished from what we once were."

"Yet shall we hide in these secret halls forever while the evil from Dol Guldur grows daily, and allow it to consume our home? We may be diminished, but we are still strong, Ada."

"Can we alone fight this evil? I do not know. Our number is too small."

"If the King is the most capable warrior we have, as you say, his strength gives us the advantage. We could do much damage to their stronghold. For far too long we have watched our Greenwood become Mirkwood yet have not stopped it. Destroying spider nests is not enough."

"Are you willing to fight, Rîneth?"

"I..." I hesitate, and look away. "I am not sure what good I can do in battle, but I will try my best to learn. If I am truly hopeless, I could be a healer. Or do my part in some other way..."

"I do not doubt it. Yet you may wish we had stayed in our secret halls when you see the realities of war, and what friends you may lose to it. Thranduil has a reason for not gathering his army without careful deliberation."

I rub the rose velvet sleeve of my gown between my fingers, and avoid my father's gaze. I know he is right.

"You are still young and have not seen battle. It was my hope my daughters never would, but my hope was in vain. Sauron has seen to that."

"Do you suggest we hide forever, Ada?"

He reaches out and touches my knee. "I suggest you have faith in your King. When the threat grows darker still, and when there is no other choice, he will rise up and fight to protect our realm."

"Why does he resist calling for aid? It would be the best answer."

"Perhaps," he says. "But he knows it as an obligation to send aid in return, should it be needed, and in these dark days it certainly shall. He does not wish his people to die for other lands."

"I understand his view on the matter, but the Elves of other lands are our kin as well. Should we let them die without even offering our help? It feels wrong to me; such selfishness could very well be our downfall."

He nods, his brow wrinkled in thought. "You should speak to him and gently try to make him see things from a different perspective. You may be the only one who can."

"If you are unable to persuade him, Ada, I surely cannot. He appointed you as his personal advisor."

"That is true, iell nín. But I am not you."

With his glass of cider in hand, he abruptly stands and walks to the bookshelf before I can reply, and begins humming the Hymn to Elbereth.

A/N: So at this point you're probably like Rîneth and wondering if Thranduil is ever going to show up again. I know, two installments without him. Sorry, guys. You have to suffer with Rîneth. Will he come to her "birthday" party at least? Find out Friday...I promise a longer chapter!

Thanks for all your lovely comments and votes! They never get old! :)

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