Moving Day

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From the age of 5, they always ask you what you want to be when you're older. For years, teachers, guidance counselors, and parents question you about your future. They try to persuade you, pushing you towards one job or another. Quite honestly I never knew the answer to those questions. Even now at 18, I still ponder about my future. One thing was for certain, though. I was ready for my freshman year of college and a year to think about myself.

I carefully lifted the last cardboard box from my room and carried it down the hallway. A mountain of cardboard stood in front of my front door, awaiting to be packed into the car. My mother was in the kitchen, 80's music blasting from a small speaker on the counter. I stood in the foyer of my house, looking at the pictures lining the walls. A small frame held a photo from my first day of kindergarten. I had pig tails and an awful purple dress on. I had picked out my outfit that day and it was obvious. I giggled at my fashion choices and looked to the photo beside it. Inside a black frame was my senior photo. It was taken ages ago, but still felt like yesterday. In my moment of reminiscing, I hadn't realized my mother had come up behind me.

"It still doesn't feel know you leaving for college and all", she spoke. I turned around and wrapped my arms around her.

"I know, but I'm excited", I said, looking up at her. My mom and I had been close, ever since I was little. The hardest thing about leaving for college was leaving my family.

"Well dwelling on it isn't gonna change anything. Why don't we eat breakfast?", my mom said, patting my back and returning to the kitchen.
My father was sitting at the kitchen table, his iPad in his hand. My brother was sitting across from him, staring at his phone.

"Guys, it's Mallory's last breakfast at home, let's make it a technology free one", my mom demanded, laying plates on the table. I sat beside my brother and ran my thumb over the edge of my plate. My mom was right; this was going to be my last breakfast at home for a long time.

After driving for what felt like hours (but in reality was only an hour), we had arrived at GMU. George Mason wasn't my first choice, but with my love for DC and programs that had, it seemed like the best choice. I stood in front of a tall, brick building, the wind blowing slightly. My mom walked over behind me, a map in her hand.

"The girl over there said we have to go to the gymnasium to pick up your ID and room key. This map is pretty confusing though". My mom scratched her head and stared at the map, quizzically. I laughed and took the map from her hand.

"I think if we just walk down that way and turn right we should be good". She shrugged her shoulders as if to say why not and we began walking toward the gym. Hundreds of people filed into the gym, each with papers in their hands. Music was playing in the background as we walked to different tables, signing papers and receiving informational pamphlets. Finally, we got to the end of the tables and I was finally given my room key.

"You'll be in Amherst Hall, room 102", a petite girl told me, 'MASON' in big, green letter across her chest. I smiled, took my key, and walked back to my mom's car.

We drove in circles until we came upon another brick building, a sign with 'Amherst' in the grass.

"This is it", I whispered as I looked out the window. My mom got out of the driver's seat and walked around to the trunk. I gathered my things and hopped out of the car.

"Welcome to Mason, I'm Alex". I turned around and was met by a tall, blond boy. He outstretched his hand, smiling at me.

"Mallory", I replied, returning the handshake. He held my hand for a few seconds, still smiling at me. He quickly realized what he was doing, released my hand, and scratched his head nervously.

"Uh I-I'm here to help you move your stuff into your room", he stuttered. I laughed and motioned him towards the trunk. He grabbed two boxes and headed toward the dormitory entrance. I grabbed my lamp and my record player and headed toward my room.

When I reached my room, boxes were stacked outside the door, a small, blonde standing in the doorway. With her back towards me, she pointed at the wall.

"Why don't we put it there?", she demanded. A boy shuffled across the floor, a picture in his hands. He placed it on the wall as she tilted her head.

"Hmm, yeah I like that". She nodded her head and turned around, squealing when she saw me.

"Oh, you scared me!" She laughed, her hand over her chest. I laughed and put my lamp down.

"Hi, I'm Mallory uh your roommate". I put out my hand, waiting for her to speak. "Natalie, nice to meet you". As we shook hands, the sound of glass shattering startled us.

"Kyle, I swear to god if you broke something I'm gonna beat your ass!" Natalie shouted, stomping back into the room. I chuckled, picking my lamp off the floor and walking into my room.

After hours of unpacking and a lunch break, we had finally gotten our room together. Natalie was sitting at her desk trying to connect her laptop to the wifi. I was laying on my bed, my phone in my hand.

"This fucking computer", Natalie muttered, hitting the thumb pad of her laptop. Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Natalie got up from her desk and walked over to the door. She quickly opened the door to reveal a boy about our age.

"Hey, I'm Nick and I'm with Sigma Chi". He spoke with an accent, maybe Jersey?

"Hi I'm Natalie and that's my roommate, Mallory", she said, pointing at me. Nick waved at me as I sat on the edge of my bed.

"Well I just wanted to let you girls know we're having a party tonight at the frat house. You should come". He smiled, trying to win us over with his charm.

"Um what time?".

"Starts at 9", Nick responded, smirking at Natalie. She turned around to look at me, giving me a look as if to ask if I was up for going. Only been here for five hours and I've already been invited to a party? I'm not gonna complain.

I shrugged,"why not". Natalie smiled and turned back around to face Nick.

"See you at 9" she said. He grinned from ear to ear and gave Natalie the address. Once the door was closed, Natalie jumped up and down.

"We're going to a frat party!" She squealed.

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