Northside Social

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{Mallory's POV}

My head pounded as I looked around my dorm room. God, let me never drink that much again. I looked over at Natalie's side of the room. She was sprawled out across her bed, the covers falling on the floor. I swung my legs over the side of my bed and attempted to stand up. The room began to spin, causing me to fall backward. Alright let's take this slow. Slowly, I walked over to the bathroom which connected our room to the room next door. After brushing my teeth and attempting to wash my face without getting sick, I returned to my desk.

"Ok, the next time a guy invites us to a frat party, we're politely declining," Natalie said softly, sitting up in her bed.

"I can't argue with that," I laughed, turning on my MacBook. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pink sticky note underneath my laptop. My fingers traced the writing.

'xxx-xxx-xxx Thanks for not vomiting on me :P - Andre'.

A smile spread across my face as I read the note over and over. I quickly put his number into my phone, trying to come up with a good nickname. Finally deciding on 'Dre', I sent him a message.

M: thanks for putting up with me and my light weight self

I laid my phone on my desk and went on to Blackboard to look over my class schedule. After a few minutes, my phone vibrated.

A: don't worry i've had plenty of practice dealing with tom lol :P how r u feeling?

M: could be worse i guess lol at least i haven't vomited anymore

A: why don't you come get some coffee with me? that always helps me when I'm hungover :)

I stared at the screen for moment, reading the message again. Was I imagining this? "Nat!"

Natalie peered from her bed. "Hmm?"

"Andre just asked me out to coffee," I said quietly, still not believing. 

"What did you sa-" Natalie began.

"Andre just asked me out to coffee," I yelled, running over to her bed, shoving my phone in her face.

"Holy shit". She read the message a second time, dropped my phone, and squealed. "Dude this is huge!".

"What do I do?" I panicked. Natalie ripped the phone out of my hand and typed a message.

"Problem solved".

I looked at the message. 'Name a time and place ;)'.

"Natalie a winking face? Really?" I laughed.

"What? You gotta show him you're interested," She shrugged, walking over to my wardrobe. "If you're going to go on a date, we gotta make sure you don't look hungover as fuck".

{Andre's POV}

8:30 AM. It was too damn early for this shit.

Regretting drinking the night before practice, I groaned as I got out of bed.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Latts teased, sitting at the bar in our kitchen. Tom was standing over the stove cooking eggs, wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron and boxers.

"Nice outfit, Willy," I snickered, grabbing some milk from the fridge.

"Better keep your mouth shut or I'll beat your ass at the rink," Tom warned, shoving a spatula in my face. My arms went up in surrender as I sat beside Latts. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. 'thanks for putting up with me and my light weight self'. I laughed to myself.

"What ya laughing at Burks?" Latts questioned, grabbing the phone out of my hand.

"Latts you dick gimme that back".

"Thanks for putting up with me and my light weight self," Latts read aloud, "Aw look at baby burky pulling em".

"We're such proud fathers," Willy and Latts teased, standing together like a couple. "Our son isn't so young anymore". Willy dabbed at his eye like he was crying.

"You guys are assholes," I said, ripping my phone out of Michael's hand and returning to my room.

'Northside Social 11 AM see u there :)'

{Mallory's POV}

11 AM. Northside Social. I had practically memorized that at this point. Natalie and I sat on the floor of our dorm room, articles of my clothing surrounding us. "What if I showed up naked?" I suggested. Natalie snorted, "I don't think nudists are his type."

I huffed looking at the various tops and bottoms littering the floor. Pushing myself off of the floor, I grabbed a black V-neck t-shirt and some jean shorts. "He saw me vomit last night, I don't think he's gonna mind if I'm not dressed up".

"True," Natalie agreed, getting off of the floor, "well it's 9:45 so you should probably start getting ready".

Cars sped past as I walked down Wilson Boulevard towards Northside Social. Thanks to the metro I was 10 minutes early. In the distance I could see the patio in front of the cafe. As I got closer, I saw Andre sitting at a table. "Sorry to make you wait on me". Andre jumped as my voice startled him.

"Jesus Mallory warn me next time," he chuckled, putting his hand on his chest. I sat across from him, hanging my purse on the back of the chair. "Unfortunately, I won't be able to stay long. Our coach changed the practice time on us," He sighed. He looked at me, his brown eyes captivating me.

"U-uh thats fine. I understand, practice is important," I smiled. The corners of his mouth turned upward, his dimples appearing.

"You could come with me. I-I mean if you want to, of course," he stuttered. He was cute when he was nervous.

"I'd enjoy that".

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