Fall Break

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{Mallory's POV}

October 18th. 10 AM.

"I'm gonna miss you while I'm at home," Natalie frowned, sipping her coffee. I had only known Natalie for 2 months, but we were inseparable. From frat parties to study sessions, Natalie and I did everything together. And today was no different. We were sat in a small coffee shop in Arlington; one last outing before we separated for fall break. "Don't do anything too fun without me," Natalie winked. I chuckled, sipping my coffee and looking out the window. People rushed by, cars sped down the street. It was a quaint cafe, nestled in downtown Arlington. Tom had brought Natalie and I here a few weeks ago, while Andre and Michael were doing PR. Andre and I had come here on a Saturday after his practice. Needless to say, it had become our favorite usual spot.

"You could just stay here, like I am," I proposed. Natalie looked down at her hands which were wrapped around her coffee mug and huffed.

"Wish I could, but my mom would bitch if I didn't come home".

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Tom for you," I smirked. Natalie winked at me, taking another drink of her coffee.

"I'm gonna miss him too..."

"Hey, don't get too upset. Its only four days," I reassured her. She gave a slight smile and looked down at her phone. Suddenly, she got a mischievous look on her face. I knew that look; Natalie always had some weird or crazy idea when she got that look on her face.  "What are you thinking, Nat?".

"The boys have practice today, right?" she questioned, glancing out the window.

"Yeah? I think it starts at 10:30," I replied, peering down at my watch.

"C'mon, I gotta go say goodbye to Mr. Wilson before I leave," she demanded, standing up and pushing her chair in. Before I could even stand up, Natalie was pulling me out of the door of the coffee shop.

By 10:15, we had arrived at Kettler. As we walked in the door, I could hear the sound of skates gliding across the ice and the loud boom of one-timers pounding into the boards. Natalie and I walked up to the glass, glancing around to find our boys. Suddenly, I saw Andre leaning against the bench door, his shoulders rising and falling. He had a look of pain across his face as the trainer examined his hand.

"Poor Burakovsky, took a shot to the hand," a fan said beside me. I watched  Andre wince as the trainer put pressure on his hand. The trainer mentioned something to Andre, walking over to the other side of the bench. Grabbing Natalie's hand, I pulled her around to the other side of the rink, just beside the bench. Andre was still standing there, his eyes focusing on his teammates as they performed skating drills. Softly, I tapped on the glass trying to gain his attention. After a few tries, he swiftly turned around. A grin appeared on his face as he noticed Natalie and I behind the glass.

"What are you doing?" he laughed, exiting the rink and walking over towards us.

"Natalie wanted to see Tom before she went back to Pennsylvania for fall break," I stated, tugging at his jersey, "I came for moral support".

He gasped, "You didn't come to see me? I'm hurt". He turned around as if he were going to walk away. I gripped his elbow and pulled him back to me.

"Just kidding," I grinned, my hand still wrapped around his elbow. His gloved hand rubbed the back of my hand as he grinned once again. In the two-and-a-half months that we had known each other, I still couldn't get over his smile; his dimples made me swoon every time.

"I would stay and chat, but if Trotz catches me slacking he'll beat my ass," Andre whispered, before he turned around and walked back onto the bench.

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