The Hospital

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{Andre's POV}

I had never driven so fast in my entire life. 

I flew down I-95 in my BMW as quickly as possible, trying to get Mallory to the hospital. Her hand had gripped mine the whole way to Memorial Regional. Occasionally, I would glance over at her. She had a blank expression across her face, tear stains on her cheeks being the only indication that she had been crying. 

When we arrived, I pulled up to the front entrance and parked.

"You go ahead, I'll park and you can go ahead and get a head start," I said, looking over at her. 

She frantically shook her head, "Please don't make me go in there alone". She grabbed my hand as tears began to pour down her cheeks. 

"Hey, don't cry. I won't make you go in their by yourself, ok?" I whispered, kissing her forehead. 

I tried to find a parking spot as quickly as possible and parked the car. We sat there for a few seconds, trying to collect ourselves before we walked into the hospital. After pulling the keys out of the ignition, I ran around to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. She gripped my arm as she got out of the car. Mallory quickly wiped away the few remaining tears on her cheek and looked up at me, giving me a weak smile. My heart ached as I watched her, wishing I could fix everything; I hated to see her this way.

The room was dim, the only light coming coming from a lamp in the corner of the room. Mallory's parents were sitting beside her brother's bed, their arms wrapped around each other as they watched their son. Mallory let out a shaky breath as she walked into the room. Her parent's heads shot up immediately, both of them running over to their daughter and hugging her tightly. They didn't say anything; they just stood there holding onto one another for what felt like an eternity. 

After a few minutes and a lot of tears, Mallory pulled away and motioned over to me. 

"This is Andre, m-my boy friend," she spoke, smiling slightly. I walked over and shook her parent's hands as they watched my intently. After shaking their hands, I wrapped my arm around Mallory's shoulder, giving her a comforting squeeze. 

"Well, its nice to meet you," her mother grinned, looking at both of us. It wasn't exactly how I had envisioned meeting her parents, but at least it had happened. 

We sat in the hospital room for a few hours, mostly watching over Mallory's brother, Aaron, occasionally talking about different things. Mallory had fallen asleep on my shoulder, her parents had gone downstairs to the cafeteria. I watched as Mallory slept, her lips parted slightly. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. I ran my hand down her cheek and pushed her hair behind her ear. Kissing the top of her head, I turned my attention over to Aaron who was still unconscious. The doctors had told us earlier that he was stable but it could be a few hours until he would regain consciousness. Of course this wasn't the news we wanted to hear, but it was better than nothing. 

Mallory stirred slightly and sat up, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. 

"Hey you," she whispered, yawning. I squeezed her hand and stood up to stretch, the first time I had stood up in hours. Suddenly, we heard the hospital bed creek as Aaron shifted in his sleep. Mallory and I froze as we watched his eyelids flutter before opening. 

"Aaron!" Mallory rushed over to her brother's side, sitting on the edge of the bed. Aaron looked over at Natalie, a confused expression appearing on his face.

"Mallory? What are you doing home?" he asked, his voice hoarse. 

Mallory laughed slightly, "You don't remember anything do you?"

Aaron shook his head and began looking around the room. 

"You were in a car accident, Aaron," Mallory sighed. Aaron just shook his head. He looked up at the ceiling for a few minutes before speaking again. 

"How bad was it?" was all he said. Mallory looked at her hands. 

"I'm not sure. Mom just called me in hysterics saying you had been in an accident, so Andre and I rushed to get here". Aaron looked confused again.

"Andre? Who's Andre?" Mallory looked over at me and motioned for me to walk towards her.

"Uh this is Andre, my boyfriend," she said. I waved at Aaron as he peered up at me. He stared at me before putting out his hand.

"Nice to meet ya". I laughed as I shook his hand and sat beside Mallory.

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