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{Mallory's POV}

"Welcome to Kettler," Andre announced. He slowly opened the door, the smell of rubber and cold air escaping. We walked into a bright room, an ice rink directly in the middle. There were banners across the walls, representing different players who had played for the Capitals at one point or another. Along the far wall, there was a set of bleachers, a giant Capitals logo plastered to the wall. I had been to different skating rinks as a child, but none were as impressive as this one. "Cool, huh?" He smiled, very pleased with himself. 

"Meh, its alright," I shrugged, waiting for Andre's reaction. 

"O-oh well I-" 

"Andre, I'm joking," I laughed, nudging his shoulder, "This is amazing". 

He grinned, his dimples making an appearance once again. My legs started to tremble as I got colder. I ran my hands up and down my arms, trying to warm them up. Suddenly, Andre grabbed my hand and led me away from the ice rink. We rounded the corner, stopping in front of what looked like the team store. "Can't have you freeze to death on our first date," Andre explained, randomly grabbing jackets and sweatshirts off the wall and holding them up for my approval. My heart fluttered as he said date. 

"Andre you really don't have to do this. I'm fine" I laughed as he modeled each item. 

"Wait I've got an idea". Andre out the jackets back on their hooks and walked over to the other side of the store. After a few seconds, he returned, hiding something behind his back. "Ta da!" he proclaimed, holding a bright red jersey. "But wait it gets better". He raised his eyebrows and smirked as he turned the jersey around revealing 'BURAKOVSKY' across the back. 

"Oh my god". I shook my head, laughing. Before I knew it, Andre was at the cash register paying for the jersey. "Andre what are you doing? Don't do that. That's expensive!.

"Well....too late," he said slyly, handing me a red plastic bag. 

"Thank you, but you really didn't have to do that," I admitted as we walked out of the team store. 

"You're welcome," he smiled, "Hate to break this party short, but it's almost 11:30 and I don't want Trotz beating my ass." 

"Guess I'll be cheering you on from the bleachers". Andre grinned, turning on his heel and walking back towards the rink where we were before. I quickly chucked my jersey on and walked towards the bleachers.

{Andre's POV}

"Only known her for a day and you're already bringing her to the rink? Damn Burks you got it bad," Wilson teased as we skated onto the ice to begin practice. 

"Leave the poor kid alone, we've all been in the puppy love stage before," Carlson replied, patting me on the back. 

"You guys are assholes," I stated, shaking my head and gliding onto the ice. 

My eyes scanned the bleachers, looking through the crowd of fans for Mallory. She was sitting on the second row, looking at some kids standing in front of the glass. I could see her smile as the young children began jumping up and down as we made our way onto the ice. I  quickly skated over toward the bleachers, digging my skates into the ice, sending snow towards the glass. The kids jumped back and giggled, looking over at their parents. I winked at Mallory and skated over to the bench, waiting for Trotz to go over the schedule for today. 

"Good job boys. Rest up and be ready for tomorrow," Trotz said, blowing his whistle. I tapped my stick and stood up, looking over my shoulder to find Mallory. Nothing. She wasn't there. Where could she have gone? I scanned the bleachers again, hoping I had missed her. Still not there. I slowly exited the ice, walking towards the locker room when I heard someone call for me. I looked over at the barricade, a few anxious fans awaiting autographs and pictures. Just right behind the barricade, I see Mallory with her jersey in her hand. I walked over to the barricade smiling. 

"Hi Andre, I was wondering if I could get your autograph?" She asked, looking up at me with a smile. I nodded, grabbing the sharpie from her hand and quickly scratching my name across the top of the '6'. I quickly signed autographs and took selfies with the few remaining fans. After a few minutes, they all walked away, leaving Mallory and myself alone. 

"Thank you for staying, I know practice can be a bit boring," I apologized. She shook her head, "I enjoyed myself. Thank you for bringing me". 

"Give me a few minutes and be back out to get you, ok? I just gotta shower. Don't think you wanna ride in the car with me smelling like this".

"Yeah definitely not," Mallory teased, holding her hand over her nose. I rolled my eyes and escaped down the hall to the locker room. 

{Mallory's POV} 

After about 15 minutes and checking my phone for the 100th time, I was still sat waiting for Andre on the bleachers. I huffed looking at my phone once more. 12:30. I looked around the rink, a zamboni was gliding across the ice. I was torn from my thoughts as someone came running up the bleachers. I looked down to see Andre running up the stairs, Tom and Michael slowly following behind. 

"Sorry, had to round those two up," Andre huffed, pointing at Tom and Michael. Andre put his hand out, helping me stand up. 

"C'mon you two, I'm hungry," Michael whined. Andre and I walked down the stairs, our hands still intertwined. He must've noticed because he quickly pulled his hand away, blushing slightly. 

"Sorry," he murmured, scratching the back of his head. Swiftly, I grabbed his hand again. "Don't be sorry".

"So, how'd it go?" Natalie smirked, as I walked into our dorm. Instead of saying anything, I just turned around flashing the back of the jersey. "Shut up," she squealed, running over to me, "He already bought you a jersey?! Damn, he's got it bad". I giggled, sitting my purse on my desk. "Did he kiss you?".

"Sadly, no," I admitted, "but as childish as it sounds he held my hand and it was amazing". 

"Aw look at you too, how cute!" Natalie sang. I put my head in my hand, laughing as Natalie continued to tease me about Andre. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate. 

A: thanks for today, gonna have to wear your jersey to a game now ;) 

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