The Party

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I stood in front of my wardrobe, pondering what to wear. In high school, I went to a few parties, but none of them were close to a frat party. Should I wear a dress? Nah. Jeans? No. I huffed, my hair floating up. Natalie opened the door, her wet hair clinging to her back. She grabbed a small remote off her dresser, turning on her radio sitting in the window sill.

"What're you gonna wear?" We both asked at the same time. We laughed and both looked at our wardrobes full of clothes.

"I was thinking maybe a crop top and shorts", I said, picking up a white, cropped tank-top. Natalie put her finger to her lips and slowly picked up a lace bralette and a loose, white tank-top. We both held up our selections, slowly nodding our heads. I quickly threw on some high waisted shorts and began to fix my makeup.

By the time we finished getting ready, it was 7:30.

"What should we do now?" Natalie asked, turning around in her desk chair. I looked up at the picture of my friends hanging on the wall.

"Maybe we should get something to eat, I mean I doubt Sigma Chi is gonna have anything other than alcohol" I laughed. Natalie smiled and grabbed her wallet.

"Pizza?" She questioned.

"You know me too well" I smiled, grabbing my wallet.

We walked down the sidewalk toward a pizza shop on the east side of campus. I hadn't been on campus since my tour last spring, so it was nice to see the campus again. We passed the infamous statue of George Mason, the courtyard, and some dormitories. Natalie and I chatted about our families and our hometowns.

She had come from a small town in Pennsylvania. Her parents were both doctors, so of course she was at Mason to study medicine. Kyle, her older brother, was a sophomore at Marymount, studying bioengineering.

She turned to me, "so what do you want to study?".

I had thought about it a few times, but I could never settle on anything. After 18 years, you would think I had some idea, but honestly I had no clue. I looked at my feet as we continued walking.

"Honestly, I have no idea", I chuckled. She laughed, nudging my arm.

"Don't worry, you've four years to figure it out". We both laughed, getting closer to the pizza shop.

{Andre's POV}

Sunlight filtered through the living as Michael and I sat on the couch. An XBox controller sat in my lap as I gazed at my phone. Suddenly I could hear the front door open, Tom appearing from behind the foyer wall.

"Guess what I just got?" He boasted, a smirk across his face. He quickly lifted a small piece of paper, ten numbers scribbled across, a small heart at the bottom. I chuckled, placing my head in my hand. Latts shook his head, hitting the 'X' button on his controller.

"What?' Tom questioned, outstretching his arms, "It's more than any of you are getting".

"Just 'cause you got her number doesn't mean you're gonna get anything", Latts teased. Tom slumped down beside me on the couch.

"I did find out there's a frat party down at GMU, though". He smirked at both of us, Latts and I exchanging glances.

"Why not" Latts shrugged.

"All right boys!" Tom held his hands up, begging for high-fives, which he didn't receive.

"You two are dicks", he laughed, walking to his bedroom.

When we pulled up in front of the frat house, people had already begun spilling onto the front lawn. Multicolored lights shown through the front windows, music blaring. Tom, Michael, and I sauntered through the crowd and to the front door, gaining looks from girls.

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