Without You

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{Mallory's POV}

One week. 

It had been one whole week without talking to Andre. For the first time since I had met Andre, we weren't together. Luckily for me, most of my time was spent focusing on school, keeping my thoughts away from what had happened. 

"The Reynolds Pamphlet was basically dick 101". 

The lecture hall erupted with laughter as our professor was explaining Alexander Hamilton's infamous affair. I chuckled under my breath, continuing to doodle on my notebook page, not paying much attention to the lesson. The page was practically full with loops, flowers, and other random drawings. 

"Well, that's all I have for today, so you're free to leave," Professor Walton, announced as he looked at his watch. I put the cap on my pen, gathered my things, and walked toward the back of the lecture hall. As I exited the room, someone gripped  my arm and pulled me around the corner, out of sight. Standing in front of me was someone I was glad, but also upset, to see. His hair was disheveled and he had bags under his eyes, a sign he hadn't slept in days. I almost brought my hand to his cheek, but stopped myself, crossing my arms in front of me and looking down at the floor.

"Mallory, please don't be like this," he pleaded. His voice was horse, not its usual warm tone. It hurt to see him like this, but he had hurt me. I couldn't forgive him that easily. 

"What are you doing here, Andre?" I questioned, still staring at the floor. He took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. 

"I fucked up and I realize that, ok? What I said was awful, but I didn't mean it. I was just so tired of Michael and Tom teasing me about it," he spoke softly, "I know that doesn't excuse what I said, but I'm sorry, ok? Please believe me". I turned to look at him. He looked so vulnerable. I had never seen him like this. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and comfort him so badly, but I couldn't let him off the hook that easily. 

"Look Andre, I need some time," I sighed, "I've been hurt in relationships before and I don't want that to happen again". 

We were silent for moment, neither one of us willing to look at the other. 

His face dropped as his hands fell into his pockets, "Well, if that's what you want, then I'll leave you alone. You know where to find me, if you need anything." He turned on his heel and walked down the hall. A tear fell down my cheek as I watched him push open the door and walk down the sidewalk. 

The next few days went by in a blur. Two tests and an oral presentation later, I was sat on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Usually when I had free time, I was with...Andre. God, I gotta stop thinking about him. But thats the thing, I can't stop thinking about him. I replayed what had happened in the hallway over and over again in my mind, the way he looked, they way he sounded. It tore me up to think that he was hurting like because of...me. I guess the tables had turned. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Natalie looked over at me and gave me a confused look. I shrugged as she walked over to the door to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered, disappearing behind the door. 

"Can I just talk to her for a second?" Before Natalie could protest, Tom pushed his way through the door and over to me. 

"Mallory, I need your help," he stated, his eyes pleading. I sat up in my bed, terrified that something had happened to Andre. 

"Is Andre ok? Did something happen?" I panicked, quickly pushing back the covers. 

"Mallory, chill, Andre is fine, well not really, but he's not in danger," Tom laughed, nervously, "Look, Andre hasn't been himself lately and Michael and I are worried. He barely eats and he's been so distracted lately. So much so, its affecting his game". Was Tom seriously here because Andre was having trouble scoring? Before I realized what I was doing, I burst out laughing. 

"Really? That's why you're here?" I chuckled. Tom's eyebrows furrowed and he looked over at Natalie. She wasn't quite sure what to do either. 

"It may seem silly, but if he doesn't get his shit together, Trotz could send him down or he could get injured if he isn't paying attention. This is serious Mal," Tom sighed. I could tell he was frustrated. I took a moment to process what Tom had said. I guess I was being a little cold. Andre had apologized and here I was still holding a grudge. 

"Mal, maybe you should just forgive Andre," Natalie murmured, "He apologized. You know he didn't mean to hurt you". She sat beside me on my bed and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. She was right. Andre didn't deserve to be treated this way. And I was just making things worse. 

I took a deep breath, "You guys have a game tonight, right?" Tom shook his head. "Think you could get us some extra tickets?". I gestured to Natalie and I. A smile formed on Tom's face. 

"I'm sure I can pull some strings," He smirked as he pulled his phone from his back pocket and walked into the hallway. 

"You're making the right decision," Natalie said, after a few minutes.

"I hope so".

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