Chapter 17

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*Louis’ POV*

 I didn’t know what I was going to do to be honest. They couldn't take Harry off me forever; I wasn't going to let them. I ran out of my room and out of the house, ran a few blocks down the street and stopped in front of Harry’s house where I knew he would be. I walked up to the door thinking of everything that was going on, but all I needed was Harry.

 I opened the door and heard a clear Irish accent calling for Harry to come out of his room, clearly his locked room. I ran up behind Niall and tapped his shoulder so he didn't get scared; he turned around and smiled slightly giving me a reassuring hug. “Here let me try,” I whispered. He nodded slightly stepping back. I heard the small sobs from the locked room, “Harry, let me in. It’s Lou,” I said loud enough so he could hear me.

*Zayn’s POV*

 I looked down nearly every alley way in a 5 km radius of Simons' office, but I found nothing. I knew Harry and Louis loved each other, but not like friends, like actual love. I got in my car and drove to Harry’s house where I knew Niall would be, my precious Niall. I arrived at the house in no time and walked inside without knocking, I had too much to think about to even bother knocking. As soon as I walked in I saw Niall sitting on the couch by himself. “Hey what’s going on Nialler?” I asked sitting down on the couch next to him slinging my arm over his shoulders. “Lou and Haz are talking up there,” he said and pointed to the always locked room. I nodded slightly. “Well, it’s good that they are working things out then,” I said softly even though I knew they would both be crying their eyes out.

“Um, Zayn? I think we need to have a talk,” Niall said softly turning to face me.

*Liam’s POV*

I walked into one of the many clubs surrounding London’s streets. I didn't know how many I had walked into but this one seemed to be some sort of night club even though it was 5 pm there were still plenty of people in here. I turned to look at the bar but I didn’t see Louis or Harry, I concentrated more and saw what looked to be Tara. Wait it WAS Tara. I smiled excitedly before walking up to her and what seemed her friends. She turned around on the stool she was seated on and looked up and me and smiled. “Hey Liam,” she said, smiling widely before giving me a hug. I hugged her back and turned to see her friends who looked like they were going to faint. Oh yeah, I forgot I was a celebrity. “Guys. Calm. Down,” Tara whispered to her friends clearly embarrassed.  I chuckled softly, “Um, well Liam, this is Chloe and Trisha. Chloe and Trisha, this is Liam,” She said pointing to each girl, smiling like a goof. I smiled slightly. “We clearly know who it is Tara,” Chloe I think said, blushing slightly.

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