Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

*Louis’ POV*

Me and Harry texted Simon asking him for a meeting with Modest! ™, at 9:00am but he hasn't replied... Oh well, he’s probably just busy and will meet us there. "Hey Harry, we better get going love," I called to my boyfriend... I love saying that! Finally. He strolled down stairs with his signature smile still on his face. "Then let’s go." We jumped in the car, me driving with one hand and holding Harry’s in the other.

We got to Modest! ™, headquarters, to see Simon waiting out the front for us. "Hey Simon!" nothing could bring this day down. Nothing except for what Simon said next. "Boys, I have some news..." "Good or bad?" I inquired, nervously. Simon’s version of ‘news’ isn't normally the type of news you want to hear. "... Bad."

*Liam’s POV*

Tara told me about what happened to her at school, crying the whole time. The fact that she was so hurt by it, and the fact that it has made her so insecure, made me want to go find all these people and say and do some very graphic things. I'm not going to go into details, because no matter what you may know, you are still too innocent to know what I wanted to do with these people. Anybody who could do this to someone like Tara, or anybody at all, made me sick.

I guess Tara must of saw the anger in my eyes because the next minute, she was cowering away from me, covering her head and face as if she were afraid I was going to hit her. That brought me back to reality, and away from my world of harming people.

"Hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you," I comforted in a soothing voice. This made her peek up at me, but still not move from her defensive position against the wall. She still looked terrified, and I felt terrible. "It’s ok, I was mad at those people who did that to you, not at you," I continued, trying to get her to calm down... And maybe tell me some names...

She slowly curled her arms out and looked up at me with tears streaming down her face, and the most innocently scared eyes I've ever seen. A pang of guilt was felt in my heart for making her this scared. "Come here," I wrapped my arms around her, as I led her further away from everybody else. "Is there anything else you want to tell me? Anything you want me to do?" I asked quietly. "Maybe punch some people’s faces in..." I mumbled to myself.

Tara let out a slight giggle, obviously hearing what I said. "No thanks, I'm good. Sorry..." "What do you have to be sorry for love?" she hesitated slightly before answering. "Well, I must look pretty weak, sitting here crying about something in the past. But even though high school is over, the comments still stick." "I understand. It’s alright, you don’t look weak. You look like someone who’s been strong for too long. Besides, it proves how strong you really are. I have a quote that I live by; ‘you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.’"

This time, Tara really smiled up at me. "So you don’t think I look bad?" she asked, still insecure. "No love, you look amazing. I love it," I confirmed. She hugged me tight. "Thank you so much Liam. So, lunch on Friday?" I chuckled. "Yes love. Lunch on Friday."

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