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????'s POV

Bubbles. The one thing I...enjoy, I think is the word, is bubbles. Watching them dip and swirl in the tank by my 'containment cell'. It could be called a hobby, if I was allowed one. The door to the room opens. Three people walk in: a technician and two guards.

The technician opens my 'containment cell'. "Come." Is all he says. He walks away and I follow. I walk behind the technician and a guard falls into step on either side of me. The one on my left is new. Not only because I've never seen him, but by the way he acts. He is curious and contemptuous; he keeps glancing down at me in smug disbelief. As if he doesn't believe what he has been told about me. The guard on my right is not so foolish. He has been here long enough to be frightened by the 'honor' of escorting me and he is. He is doing a decent attempt at hiding it, but his body language and slight sweating despite the cool temperature make it obvious. The technician pays me no heed whatsoever. I am a tool, nothing more. This is the proper attitude. All who show me sympathy or treat me as disposable disappear overnight. I am not to escape and I am not to be carelessly damaged. However, there is a sense of urgency to their step.

We arrive in the main room. The technician stops in the center of the room and I stop beside them. The guards still flank me, but they take a few steps away. Another technician looks up from the discussion at the other end of the room, catches the eye of the technician next to me, and nods. My technician walks away from me and joins the discussion. I remain in the center of the room. Close enough to hear orders, far away enough that Master can call the whole room's attention to me when he gives orders in his booming voice. Unnecessary, really. The whole room has begun shifting nervously in response to my arrival. The guard who fears me remains standing stiffly at my right, eyes forward. The foolish guard on my left has relaxed his stance and is looking around in boredom and annoyance.

After a few minutes, the debate ends. The Master swivels his chair around and the senior technician stands at his side, flipping through papers on a clipboard. "Bring me the news." Master announces. A man scurries forward from the crowd of guild members behind me.

"Master, we have detected the approach of one of Fairy Tail's dragon slayers. It is the young female, Wendy Marvell." He says.

Master nods. "And her companions?"

"We were, uh, unable to get a definitive on them. Our lacrima's we had placed around the forest, um, some were damaged in the storm last night..." The man has begun to sweat. Proximity to me is probably not helping. "However, it is almost completely certain that her exceed and the Solid Script Mage accompanies her."

"Hmmm..." Master appeared completive and glanced over at his senior technician. "Well?"

The senior technician took a moment to formulate his answer. "So long as the dragon slayers and her companions keep to the predicted path, everything will run smoothly."

"And will they keep to the path?"

"There's no reason for them not to. They believe they are answering a job request, after all."

"Will the weapon be able to handle it?"

"Without a doubt. It's magical output and battle skills have shown a great increase as of late."

"Hmm..." It was a quiet for a moment and then Master looked up. "Do you understand your duty?"

"Yes Master." I bowed.

"You are to capture the sky dragon slayer, Wendy Marvell."

"Yes Master."

"She is to be alive and as undamaged as possible."

"Yes Master."

"Capturing Levy McGarden is a bonus, but not a necessity."

"Yes Master."

"Kill all others.

"Yes Master."

Master nodded his approval and turned back to the discussion. Recognizing the dismissal, the rest of the guild members filed out. "C'mon. Let's get you back to your cell." The foolish guard snarled, grabbing me by the arm. Almost a split second later, he was howling on the ground, clutching the stump where his hand had been.

"Now, now." The Master called back, not even turning around. "Don't waste your energy. You still have a dragon slayer to face."

I nod, drop the hand, and return to my spot in the center of the room. The guard remains on the ground screaming, cursing me for taking his hand and cursing Master for not caring. "Guard. I'd like some peace and quiet." Master called almost lazily. The fearful guard nodded and, ignoring the pleas for mercy, swung his ax hard. It was immediately silent. "Ah, much better. Now call some of the others in to clean up the mess."

"Yes Master." The fearful guard replies, giving a low bow. He is glaring fiercely at his feet. He is filled with hatred as well as fear for me now. But he is wise. He does not show it. I am carefully escorted back to my 'containment cell'. I sit down calmly and watch.

Watch the bubbles dip and swirl.

Hello there! If you're new, nice to meet you! *shakes hand* If we've met before, it's nice to see you again! *hugs*

This story will be primarily focused on the dragon slayers and dragon lore more than a particular guild or couple. There will be dark scenes (like this one) but there'll be cute fluffy ones too. So I hope you enjoy~!

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