Chapter Nine

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"He-here you go." I spoke quietly as ever as I placed two of the plates of pancakes on the table, careful not to drop any on the floor. It was hard when I was constantly a bag of nerves and my hands shook all the time. I was the clumsiest maid ever.

I got a nod of appreciation from Miles and the two others, but Dante just looked at me as if to tell me to go away.

I scurried off quickly, scared of the consequences I'd get - I know I'd only lived with him, not even twenty four hours, but I'd lived with many people and you'd get slapped for just looking the wrong way or standing too close.

Once I'd gotten back to the kitchen counter, I grabbed the last plate of pancakes and took two off for myself before taking it to the table once again.

"These are delicious. Thank you Leila." Miles spoke once he'd swallowed a bite of his pancake that was drenched in syrup.

I smiled at him with closed lips as Lorenzo grumbled something similar, but I couldn't make it out properly as he had a mouthful of food.

Fabio just gave me a quick wink, and I felt my face blush.

I was quickly snapped back into reality when Dante spoke "Leave us now." he sounded frustrated which made me anxious as to what he'd do. I didn't know this man or what he was capable of and I'd learnt not to trust people so easily.

"Yes s-sir." I spoke embarrassedly, one because I'd been scolded in front of the other men and two because I had to use the word 'sir' in front of them and I felt dirty or something every time I'd said it.

Probably because I'd been told to say it plenty of times before by people that wanted me to say it in a dirty way...

I stumbled backwards clumsily before turning around to go back to the counter to eat my breakfast.

Because there was an archway that lead into the table they were sat on, they could no longer see me and I'd only be able to see them if I looked through the small window that you could pass plates through if you were done.

I sighed and took a seat on the bar stool before putting lemon juice and sugar on my pancakes and digging in.

I stared blankly at the wall, not even taking in the flavor of my food - I was too distracted by my thoughts and I hated being alone with my thoughts.

It made me feel down and it didn't help that all my concious did was put me down.

Ten minutes later after taking a few bites of my food, and messing around with it on the plate I heard Dante call my name.

I quickly put my plate down and rushed into where they were, I almost fell over from rushing to get there but managed to compose myself as I stood by the table.

"Yes s-sir?" I stuttered. Why couldn't I speak a normal sentence without stammering for once, I thought.

"We are done. Clean up the mess, we will be in my office do not disturb us unless called for." Dante said monotonously, standing up from his chair. I'd almost forgotten how tall he was, but he was also very muscular.

"Yes sir." I repeated.

"Let's go." he nodded impatiently to the three men sat around the table before walking straight past me, barging into my shoulder almost sending me toppling over. He didn't apologize...not that I'd expect him to.

Lorenzo was the first to walk past me keeping the same straight face he had on the majority of the time giving me a small nod before leaving, next was Fabio who simply winked at me and brushed gently passed me making me a good way? Sort of.

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