Chapter Thirteen

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I followed the signs that were conveniently scattered around this area, although you'd imagine it to be a weird place as it was so secluded it was actually a pretty gated, posh community.

I could see a lot of gated houses and streets and occasionally the odd lone mansion, but once I reached the main area it seemed more urban.

I was nearer to the grocery store and small corner shops rather than the high street but on the signs it said that the Main Street for shopping was only a ten minute walk away.

Maybe Dante would let me go one time...I thought.

Finally I reached the grocery store called 'Spurellies', that was most likely a family business. The sign was mostly red and white, and the paint surrounding the windows looked slightly chipped but for the most part it looked okay.

Before going in I texted Dante quickly, the only contact in my phone other than my past owner and Lorenzo, and told him I was here.

Almost immediately he texted back 'Be quick.'

I hurriedly walked inside the store and saw a fair amount of people were already in there, it made me feel a little safer knowing people were here and I don't know why.

There were signs above each aisle to say where everything was and I immediately made my way over to the dairy aisle as we were low on milk and eggs etcetera.

I picked up a basket before heading towards the aisle and one I was there I picked up a carton of skimmed and semi skimmed milk. Dante liked skimmed, and I wasn't that big on it.

I made sure to remember my money, although it wasn't a lot as I still haven't gotten my check from the company yet, I didn't want to burden Dante with asking him for money, so I could pretty much get whatever I wanted. Although I did think about what Dante would want as well.

I then picked up a carton of eggs, some butter and vanilla yogurt.

Swiftly, I moved on and walked to another aisle passing a few people. I decided to look for bread and then went on to things that weren't really essential, but what I liked. I also got ingredients for baking, as I would be bored and it would give me something to do.

After around twenty minutes I was done and my basket was pretty much full.

I stepped quickly towards the queue as it was starting to get busy and I didn't want to make Dante wait any longer or yell at me for making him wait.

I was stood in the queue for a couple of minutes as it slowly progressed and people payed and left, and I was almost at the front until I felt a tap on my shoulder and my name being spoken.

Hesitantly I turned around to be faced with someone I didn't think I'd be seeing for a while now. Mr Daniels.

"Hello Leila, long time no see." he spoke with a smirk.

"Uh...h-hi Mr Daniels." I forced a smile, struggling to carry the basket I was holding as I hoisted it up.

"You don't have to call me that anymore, we aren't at the company you know," he chuckled "it's Nicholas."

I nodded at him with a small smile. He was much nicer than he was last time we spoke, maybe Dante scared him out of his tough act, I thought.

He was better looking than I had remembered, his blond hair was slightly curlier and dishevelled and his hazel green eyes were brighter today. He also wasn't wearing a suit, instead he wore black jeans and a black shirt.

All in all he was a very good looking man, a little older maybe thirty at least, but attractive. He did remind me somewhat of Paul though. Maybe it was the hair? I thought.

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