Chapter Thirty Six

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I didn't get any sleep, but I didn't need any. I was leaving in the dead of night anyway. Well, four a.m to be precise.

I knew Dante didn't wake up until around seven or eight, so I'd have enough time to sneak out without being caught. Hopefully.

My bags were still packed from earlier on, so I saved time with that. All I was worried about now was how the hell I was going to leave without making any noise or drawing any attention to the fact that I'd be leaving.

The dogs could be a problem, but then again they didn't move last time. The floor could sometimes creak, but the place was old so that wouldn't alarm Dante.

I stared at myself in the mirror, mentally pep talking myself. You can do this, I thought.

And if you can't? Said the annoying voice in the back of my head questioning me.

If I can't what's the worst that could happen?

Exactly what he said, no freedom again. Or worse. He is in the Goddamn mafia!

Once again, I was left conflicting with myself but alas didn't think about it too much this time.

I needed to get out and it was a risk I was willing to take.

I threw on my coat and grabbed my bags, repeating the process I had done before.

This time I made sure I was so quiet, the dogs didn't even raise their heads.

I closed the bedroom door, trying especially hard not to make even the slightest noise.

Miraculously, I managed to make it down the hall and down the stairs with only a few creaks here and there. Dante was nowhere to be seen or heard, luckily.

This was it, I thought as I stared at the large wooden door from the staircase, I was going to leave once and for all.

I might not be able to go back to the agency, but I could find somewhere else, I thought. I could change my name so that Dante or Leonardo would never find me. I didn't know exactly where I'd go, but it was a start leaving anyway.

I took a deep breath as I walked slowly towards the door, from the bottom of the stairs. I walked slowly to limit the amount of noise that could possibly be made.

As I approached the door handle, I looked back to make sure Dante was not there. Luckily, he wasn't.

I was finally going to do this, I thought as I placed my hand on the door.

Slowly, again, I manoeuvred the door knob to the right.

I thought I was in the clear up until now, when suddenly a piercing alarm noise went off.

It rung throughout the house and I almost fell to the ground with the shock I had.

After the shock had worn off, I soon realized what was happening and what I'd done.

Panic soon set in and I almost wanted to die. Oh my God what had I done...


"Who's there?!" I heard Dante boom from down the hall upstairs.

Shît! I couldn't help the curse word escape in my mind, but this time I knew I was in serious trouble.

I didn't know whether to hide or not, but Dante's room was too close to the stairs for me to even have time.

I racked my brain for excuses and reasons as to why I was here and why the alarm went off, but I knew he wouldn't believe me.

Rather than attempting to hide, I did the most stupid thing possible. I ran out the front door. I didn't even bother grabbing my bags. I just ran for it.

"Leila?!" Dante yelled and I knew he'd seen me. I didn't even turn back, I just ran down the steps and towards the gate.

I knew that Dante would be following behind me soon, so I didn't waste a moment. I especially made sure I wouldn't trip over, I didn't want to be like those girls in the movies who get near the exit and stupidly fall then get dragged backwards.

Once I got to the gate, I heard my name being called again by Dante. He sounded angry. Worse than I'd ever heard him.

I turned my head briefly, and saw him running down the steps - shirtless might I add, not that it mattered.

Almost breaking my neck, by turning my head back forward, I attempted to open the gate. Of course, knowing my luck, it was locked.

Dante was gaining on me and I had no other option but to climb. I was breathing heavily, and I could feel my heart pounding violently.

I grabbed one of the poles of the gate, and started to climb. There was a wall a little further up that I'd be able to get on and jump over. Hopefully, without breaking a leg.

It was times like this, I was so grateful for Dante's wealth and huge front garden.

He was getting closer and I was climbing faster.

Finally I managed to get to the wall, and shakily, I held on to one of the bars whilst propping my arm up on the wall.

"Leila, if you know what's good for you you'll fûcking get down now." Dante's voice shocked me as it sounded closer.

I looked behind me, as I felt sweat dripping on my forehead from nerves and trying to keep my upper body strength up.

Dante was only walking now, as if he thought I were going to come down voluntarily. He was wrong.

From turning my back, I almost fell and let out a yelp.

I cut my hand on something sharp, but didn't let that stop me. I winced in pain and struggled to pull my body up completely onto the wall.

My legs dangled from the wall as I pulled myself up with all the upper body strength I had.

I heard Dante walk faster now, I felt him right near me. At his height, I knew he'd be able to grab my legs so I speedily pulled my legs up before he did.

He groaned loudly in frustration, it was almost a growling sound.

"Fûck!" he shouted "Get down. Now!"

I was focusing on getting up here, I didn't realize how high I actually was.

Slowly, I stood up.

"Leila. Please. Just come down here. We can figure something out." Dante pleaded almost with me.

I shook my head at him, and looked over to the other side of the wall.

"I'm sorry Dante. I can't." I said, taking in his face one last time before turning my back and looking down once more.

"Leila. Don't you dare. Don't do it." he said in a panic.

I took a deep breath, nervous about the drop, but I had come this far. I had to do it.

And I did, I jumped.


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